Chapter 19: I'm the Alpha

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Chapter 19: I'm the Alpha

Taemin's POV:

To be honest, I was scared. Having my father-in-law and my brother-in-law close was a relief but, the fact that I must protect all these people...Yeah...I was scared. Not knowing if the ones outside were okay was making me edgy.

I bet you guys are wondering why we didn't go to the pack house and made the shield around it, right? Well it's easy, first the pack house is a castle. It's way too big and, even with the kind of power Choi Misung, Minho's dad, and I have, it'll be too much. Second, the pack house has too many passage and entryways that protect them all will be impossible. That's why Minho made a sanctuary near the castle, on the woods that would made it easier for me to protect. It's a cottage made of wood, big enough for the whole pack with even an emergency wing and all that.

Yongguk whimpered in Key's arms and I knew it was time to feed him. Taking him, I walked to one of the little rooms so that I could feed him and covered the entrance with shimmering snowflakes to give us privacy. As soon as one side of my shirt was off, Yongguk was feeding, making me wince some now and then thanks to his strong pulls. I guess he was very hungry after all. It still felt weird every time, yet surprisingly I was okay with it. I guess the 'motherly' instincts were too strong to care if I was a guy or whatever. Feeding and keeping my son healthy and strong was all that mattered.

"How is he?" Key asked, sitting on a bench near the bed. I smiled and threw some soil in the wooded floor and planted some seeds. Soon a little peach tree grew. I took one and gave it to Key, knowing it was one of his latest cravings, and I took one for myself, eating it while feeding Yongguk. Honestly, having my powers back at its fullest rocks. Key thanked me and dug in.

"He's fine. Really hungry but fine." I answered while stroking Yonggie's hair.

A howl outside let us know that the fight was over. People were cheering and celebrating, but for some reason I didn't lower the barriers I made together with Misung, Minho's dad.

Minho's POV:

"Take me to them." I ordered, still covered in blood, dirt and ashes. I was not going to rest until I have the blood of the culprit on my hands. This has gone too far, and they were going to pay. I will not rest until I know my family is safe...that my pack is safe.

"This way alpha." My beta, Jackson, said as we walked toward the dungeons on the far cottage near the end of the pack's territory, Jonghyun following close behind.

Bolting and creaking sounds were made as we opened the doors that were unused for some months now. Inside, rows of cells were located to each side, most of them filled with rogues or mercenaries that dared to cross to my land without my knowledge or harm my pack and family. At the end of the hallway was a double door where the current prisoner I wanted to see was, wishing he was dead.

"And to what do I owe the honor of your visit, king Minho?" Ten sneered, sarcasm dripping from his bruised lips.

He was chained to the wall by both hands and feet. The silver in the cuffs kept him weak and unable of healing himself as fast as a normal werewolf could. His fingers we're broken, nails gone, a nipple ripped off and both ankles severed beyond reconstruction. He was black and blue and cut all over. His head was shaved and on his right ear was a GPS earring, just in case he decided it was smart to escape even though he wouldn't have made it far with half of his injuries, let alone the extent of this ones. Near him were the three rouges we captured today as well.

"I want to know one thing Ten and, I swear to the Goddess, if I find out you lied to me, I'll make sure you wish your parents had practiced safe sex and used birth control instead. Now...I want to know why. Why us? What can you possibly gain from attacking the king's family? Besides death, of course." I growled eerily calmed, making Jonghyun and Jackson tense in fear.

Ten chuckled. "You really don't get it, do you. This is way more than your stupid pack or mate. Did you ever wondered why you and your son could shift from birth? Why is it so easy for you to associate with other were-races besides werewolves?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Didn't you know that you and your son are shifters?" He smirked and I seriously wanted to punch his face right there and then.

"Okay, you have three seconds to change that pathetic story of yours and tell me who is behind it before I rip your heart out with my bare hands. There're no shifters, not since the great war when all weres were one. And that was thousands of years ago." I smirked back.

Ten's face became serious and paled a little, but then he smiled a sinister one, making me frown.

"You are nothing compared to what's coming. When Tiago comes, you and your family will be dead, your pack either gone or taken over. The prophecy will never take place. You are no one." He smirked evilly and I lost it.

Bad move Ten.

Aides' POV:

My fangs elongated and my claws appeared. My eyes changed to their icy blue (almost white) color, my alpha king status making notice. I growled and clawed his chest, my nails almost reaching his heart.

"I. AM. ALPHA! I. AM. KING! Show me the respect I deserve. Now tell me, who am I?" I growled in his face.

Ten started to scream in pain, making me smile sadistically at him.

"Alpha!" He screamed. "My alpha, my king." I roared in triumph at his declaration and ripped his heart out.

"Burn him and interrogate the others. I want to know who this Tiago person is. Jackson, contact my mother, I need her at my house ASAP."

"Yes alpha." Jackson said and left.

I went outside and shifted, running out the adrenaline and blood-lust. I needed Kore now, the sooner the better.

Taemin's POV:

"I miss Jjonggie..." Key murmured in the makeshift bed I made for him, while rubbing his five-and-a-half-month belly.

We've been inside the shield Misung and I made for about five hours. I made some fruit plants grow inside and a little waterfall to keep us hydrated and fed until Minho tells me to let them out. Thank the goddess there were enough rooms for the families while the un-mated wolves bunked together.

"I know. I miss Min too, but the fact that he hasn't talked to me or cut the link between us tells me that he is doing some serious shit and doesn't want to hurt us..." I sighted and sat at his side. I quickly manipulated the wood around me and made a little simple crib for Yonggie. It had an elvish look that I finished with a snow flaked blanket.

After putting Yongguk inside, I turned to Logan.

"Still, doesn't mean that I don't like it. I mean, I'm his husband, his Luna, and that means that I'll be his support in everything."

Key laughed and moved near me. "Yeah, my bother can be stupid and hardheaded sometimes, but he meant well. I bet he did that for a reason. We just need to wait." I nodded and hugged him, drifting off to a peaceful nap.


A scream woke Yongguk and me up, only to find a whimpering Key at my side.

"K-Key! Are you okay?"

He shook his head and bit his lip in pain. "T-the...the babies..."

A rush of water dampened the sheets under us.

Key opened his eyes as wide as he could, and in a whispered he said my feared words. "M-my water just broke."

Oh shit.

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