Chapter 8: Threats

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Chapter 8: Threats

No One POV:

Soon all the packs knew of the status of the Luna and the attack on them. To say that most packs were furious on the rogues was an understatement. Some went to the über-alpha and offered their help if needed. No one was to lay hands on their Luna or the alpha's brother while they lived. But life's not pretty colors and rainbows, and some packs made clear that they didn't believe the attack or that the Luna was indeed pregnant. They thought it was all a scam so that Minho could have all the packs to himself when the time to succeed him came.

Minho tried to prove them wrong with the ultrasound the doctor gave him, but they claimed it was false and fake. He tried to convince them to watch Taemin's progress so they can see for themselves that he wasn't lying. Some of them agreed but two packs flat-out rejected the idea. Thinking on the safety of his mate, brother and babies, Minho's overprotective side came forward together with Aides; backed up with Jonghyun's own protective growl.

After all, he was involved too.

"I see you guys don't want to believe or even give me time to prove myself, so you give me no choice. Either you ask for forgiveness or leave my protection. I won't risk my mate's life, the life of my child or my brother's." Minho growled while making eye contact with both alphas. They were reunited on his study, while Taemin and Key were in the royal bedroom...for safety reasons.

One of them lowered his head in submission but the other spoke out.

"Only those two options? What if we want the third one?" Alpha Hangeng, of the Eastern Asian Pack, dared.

Minho just arched one eyebrow in questioning; his stance relaxed; arms crossed on his chest; daring him to finish.

"I challenge you for the alpha King position."

"You know that what you're calling on is a death match, right?" Minho said, not at all surprised with this outcome.

Some growls erupted from some of the members of the royal guard that were there. Minho looked at Jonghyun, who silenced them.

"If I didn't know, I wouldn't be challenging you."

Minho just nodded absentmindedly, acknowledging him and at the same time thinking what to say. Deciding to have a bit of fun, he decided to let Aides do the honors of speaking. His eyes switched to the icy blue that was Aides and the power emanating from him that was usually subdued started to leave from him in waves. This was no longer Minho. This was Aides in all his glory, and he demanded absolute obedience. Everyone in the room could feel the abrupt shift in power and those who knew tried not to tremble in fear, some bowed their head, exposing their necks in submission. Recognizing who their alpha was. Other plastered themselves to the wall in case they needed to bolt. Both alphas in the room paled a little and Jonghyun could only smirk.

Aides POV:

"Do you know why the alpha king position, the Royal position, is only passed from father to son?" I asked, eyeing the now worried Hangeng who shook his head no. There was malice in my look, this pathetic piece of shit daring to challenge my rightful place and even putting my precious mate and unborn pup in danger. He needs to die.

I smirked, purposely showing my sharp canines and installing more fear on him. By the end of this meeting he will understand greatly what I meant. I leaned forward on my chair and looked him dead straight in the eyes.

"Because only and alpha king's son has the blood, power and genes to carry off the duty for thousands of years if necessary." I stood up slowly from my chair, both hands laid open on the table as I leaned forward towards the pathetic excuse for an alpha. My massive built and presence more threateningly apparent now than ever. "Do you think you have what it takes to lead all the packs in the world, pup?" I spoke slowly, letting the insult sink in. "You, who is no more than 20 years old, come into my house, threaten my mate and unborn child as well as my brother, calls me a liar in front of everyone and challenges me, the King alpha and a wolf more than 30 years old that has more experience you will ever have, to a death match? Heh, I don't know if to call you extremely insane or extremely stupid. But, tell you what; if you are crazy enough to keep your threat, I'll be waiting for you tomorrow night at the public plaza." I declared in a menacing voice and sat down. Minho might be young, but I wasn't. I was one of the oldest wolf spirits there was, named Aides for a reason. The underworld was my domain, and I ruled everything, living and dead, with an iron fist.

I exhaled and let my power recede, letting Minho have control once more while I let the threat hang and sink in.

No One POV:

Hangeng stood up in anger at the way Minho, or better said Aides, had shamed him. Just as he was walking out, Jonghyun's eerily calmed voice spoke as he escorted them out. "Only a man with a death wish would threaten the mate and cub of the most overprotective, dangerous and scary man in the world."

"Man?" Kevin, Jonghyun's second-in-command, said while snorting.

"Heh, this guy just woke the beast I haven't seen since the massacre eighteen years ago. Let's just pray that this time he can overcome the beast, or this match will be over in seconds."

Everybody knew of the massacre of eighteen years ago and in that moment, Hangeng knew he had made the biggest mistake of his life. One that there was no turning back from...

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