Chapter 14: The Calm Before the Storm

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Chapter 14: The Calm Before the Storm

No One POV:

Two months has passed and, surprisingly, everything has gone well so far. Siwon took over Hangeng's pack, making it the second largest pack in the world, right below the über-alpha's. The problem with the rogues has been dealt with and they discovered that Hangeng had made a contract with the black market to hire some Masters, people who specializes and learn how to control the rogues and order a hit on Minho's pack. That's hitting two birds with one stone when Minho killed him. The fact that there was no uproar or chaos for his death definitely said something about what an alpha Hangeng really was.

Taemin discovered the truth behind Siwon's sudden stay, and the fact that he was really his brother. When Taemin called his family, he discovered that, in fact, he was adopted and that he actually comes from a very powerful alpha lineage in Asia...the Jung family, the most powerful family after the Royal family, the Choi's. The Jung's have always been the right hand of the Choi's and for generations their alliance have stood solid, as well as their friendship. The fact that now their families were entwined was just destiny...and a good one.

The reason behind Taemin's adoption was because his life was in danger after his family was murdered some time ago trying to protect the king and his family. Sensing the danger his sons were; Jaejoong, Taemin's mother, send him away with his best friend and future family, the Lee's, where Taemin grew up. Surprisingly, Taemin wasn't mad at his adoptive parents nor his real ones. He understood why his mother did what he did and didn't hold it against him. Siwon and Taemin spend the rest of his stay talking and remembering, getting to know each other better.

Taemin couldn't be happier for how things turned out to be. Their baby was doing fine, and he was already five months in his pregnancy, looking ready to pop at any minute. Minho was more at home also, spending more family time with Taemin, their unborn baby and his pack.

Key kept working at the hospital...for now. He had a discussion with Jonghyun two weeks ago about it but in the end, he agreed to stop working by the end of his fourth month, since he was carrying twins.

"You know...this little one is being really stubborn." Key said, moving the cylinder around Taemin's tummy.

It was their fourth visit (since their visits were monthly), and their second attempt to see the gender of the baby, but the baby refused to let Key see what it was...again.

"Come on baby, daddy wants to see..." Minho murmured in Taemin's tummy, caressing and massaging it lightly.

The baby shifted a little and move, giving Key a clear view of what gender he was...

"Here we go! Couldn't you do that the first time oh brother of mine?" Key playfully growled and turned back to the monitor. "Oh, I see now why he didn't want to show. Like daddy, like son I guess..." Key smirked, giving away what the baby was.

Minho's eyes open wide and Taemin began to tear up. A son. He was going to have a boy. Without thinking whatsoever, Minho kissed Taemin like it was their first kiss, thanking him and the Moon Goddess for this gift.

"Well, I'm glad that you guys are happy and all, but I got patients and my own check-up to attend." Key sassy them up, ruining their sappy moment and, cleaning Taemin's tummy, he gave him instructions to keep his diet and taking his vitamins. "That would be all." Both thanked him and left.

The morning went away swiftly and soon Jonghyun was standing in his office ready to go to their doctor's appointment.

"Ready to go, Luv?" Jjong asked, leaning on the door frame.

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