Chapter 10: Fighting for You

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Minho's POV:

The sight of a naked Taemin bathed in moonlight tempted me to go back to bed and make love to him all over again, even though it was Aides who had him all to himself nearly at the end, so technically I could have him again. His baby bump was growing already, looking like a three-month-old belly instead of a two-month-old one. When I asked Taemin about it he said that, earlier when Key was checking him, he said that it was normal; that by the third month he'll have a 4 1/2 month belly, by the fourth month he'll have a 6th month one and by the sixth month he'll have a 9th month belly. I was just really trying not to panic by then.

"Alpha, we're ready." Jonghyun mind-linked me as he and the rest of the guard got ready.

"I'm on my way. Be ready to shift in 10. Tell Jackson to come to my room immediately." I ordered.

"Yes sir." The communication was cut, and I went and sat beside Taemin, brushing his hair softly.

How I wish I didn't have to go... That I could stay here watching Minnie sleep, laugh, cry, grow with my child...

"Alpha." Jackson said from the door, breaking my thoughts.

I stood up and went to him. "I'm trusting you with the life of the most important person in the world. Should I not return, he will be in charge until my child comes of age. You'll be by his side at all times. Nobody besides my brother and him comes into this room. Here..." I gave him a sealed note. "Give this to him in case I do not come back."

"A-Alpha..." Jackson eyes had gone wide. He didn't know what to say...heck, no one was expecting my failure, and neither was I... but you always must be prepared just in case.

"It's okay. Just take extremely good care of him until I return."

"I will protect him with my life." Jackson bowed to me in respect and, after I kissed Taemin's forehead, I left.

Taemin's POV:

The absence of heat let me know that I was alone in bed, again. Sighting, I turned around, wondering where my errant husband may be. It wasn't unusual for him to leave at the wee hours of the night, but since I became pregnant, he never left the bed at night. So, for him to not be here at...twelve fifty-five am... means something happened. So instead of worrying, since is bad for the baby, I decided to shift and sleep in my wolf form. This way I feel closer to Minho...and not too cold either.

A soft tap on the door made me shift back.

"Who is it?"

"It's me." Key softly said as he entered the room.

"What's wrong?" It was rare for my brother-in-law to be up at this hour.

"I can't sleep. Jjong left with my stupid brother and..."

"It's okay, you can sleep with me if you want to. But I'm sleeping in my wolf-form." I said and with that we both shifted and spooned together to sleep.

Minho's POV :

The night was eerily quiet as we neared the plaza where the fighting was arranged to be. Our guys were in place, as we wait for midnight. Jonghyun and Siwon were at my sides as a precaution, as well as a warning to Hangeng that if he loses, his pack will go to Siwon.

Soon the sound of running paws on the dirt alert us of the arrival of Hangeng and his guard.

"And here I thought he wouldn't be stupid enough to come." Jonghyun curse at my side and I chuckle a little.

"I see you came." I said as soon as I saw Hangeng. "Are you that eager to die?"

"Not as eager as I am to kill you." He spat back.

"Baka-yaroh (idiot), he just made it worst..." Siwon muttered.

No One POV:

In a matter of seconds, Minho started running towards Hangeng at top speed, shifting in midair. Hangeng was waiting for him, shifting and jumping up to meet him, but jumped to late. Minho grabbed him by the shoulder and fell on top of him, shaking his head hard, ripping and making as much damage as he could. Hangeng whimpered but stood his ground, unlocking himself from Minho's mouth.

'Is this the much you can do?' Hangeng snickered, taunting Minho to lose control. He knew that was the only was he could win this fight.

If only he knew how wrong he was...

In that moment Minho eyes changed, from his baby blue to the silver white that characterized the alpha king from everyone else, that set Aides apart from everyone else. Setting his gaze on Hangeng, he attacked, letting Aides completely in control. In something they were on accord...Hangeng had to die. He was a thread to his mate and unborn child as well as to the pack.

Hangeng saw that Minho's wolf was in control and a sense of triumph set over him. Everybody knew that letting your wolf have control over you is a big mistake since you can become a rogue, so he knew he could win after all.

'That's it just gave me the victory...' Hangeng thought and launched towards Minho, hooking his canines in Minho's shoulder, dangerously close to his neck.

Aides howled in pain and rapidly blocked the mental link he had with Taemin, knowing the latter could feel his pain. Growling, he stood from the floor and launched. The fight kept going, getting bloody by the second. Both wolves were bathed in blood but neither backed down. Their will was that strong. In a moment they broke off, one in each side, countering and circling the other, both breathing hard and bleeding profusely. Aides had his shoulder gaped and so did Hangeng but with a leg torn also.

'And here I thought the alpha king was supposed to be the protector of all of us. But look at can even protect yourself, let alone your mate.' Hangeng taunted. He knew the only way he could win this was by playing into his mind; make him lose control. So he went with it. 'Can you feel it? How he can feel your pain? How is he suffering the same way you are-'

In a nanosecond Aides was up and in his throat. His canines dangerously pressed against his throat ready to slay him. Jonghyun and Siwon both cheered as did the whole guard as they watched the victory of their alpha.

'I'm giving you your last chance. Are you going to ask for forgiveness or are you to die here?' Aides asked, calm and serious.

'H-how i-is it p-possible? Y-Your wolf took control?!' Hangeng stuttered, fear reeking of him in waves.

'Indeed, I did. Still, you still have much to learn, pup. We Alpha Kings are one with our wolf and human self. It is impossible to lose control. Now, what will be?'


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