Chapter One: Meeting (two years later)

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I've worked at the hospital for 2 years so when my pager beeped to tell me I was needed in the E.R. I didn't even hesitate. Two EMTs and two doctors Rushed in wheeling a man on a gurney. "What happened?" I questioned.
"He was shot in the chest, bullet grazed his heart," responded one of the EMTs.
"Machines are pumping his heart, but they can't for much longer," said one of the doctors, Doctor Abraham, I believe
"Get him to the O.R." I ordered "Dr. Abraham and I can perform the surgery." And when I say Dr. Abraham and I, I really mean Doctor Abraham. I passed med school top of my class but the thought of performing surgery still grosses me out. At it's most basic, the surgery was Dr. Abraham removing the bullet and patching it up. He was the wheeled off to room 312 to recover, so I can check on him tommorow. For now I go check on my favorite patient Juliet Barker who is here indefinitely due to her having seizures about once a month.
"How do you feel today Jules?" I ask her calmly.
"Oh, same old same old I was wondering if you could tell me what was happening in the emergency room," she inquired
"None of your business," I say jokingly.
I stay with Jules for the last 10 minutes of my shift and then left for home. As soon as I got home I cook dinner and turn on the news. my mind started to wander and I thought of Zach, of how they never found his killer, and how they said he was found outside of jewelry store, and that he had bought an engagement ring. I wiped a tear from my cheek, turned off the news, and put my plate in the sink. I got ready for bed and fell asleep dreaming of a life I could never have.


I woke up with a start ready to get to work I took a shower, ate some toast, and put on my scrubs. on the way to work I suddenly remembered I left my phone at home "Danm it!" I yelled. Oh well, I'll have to go without it and hope nothing important comes up. I turn up the radio and drive to the hospital while singing along to a new song. once there I'm greeted by Dr. Scarlett Bennett, my best friend.
"Did you hear the news!" She exclaimed.
"I left my phone at home," I say simply.
"My mom dumped her boyfriend!" She said exitedly.
Scarlett has hated her mom's new boyfriend since her parents divorced three years ago.
"Uhh... good for her?" I say questioningly, "Is she okay?"
"Fine, she finally realized how awful he is," she explained dramatically.
"Not that I don't love our chats because I truly cherish them every day, but I have to go check on my patients," I said as a joke. She rolled her eyes with a smile "whatever, see you later." After she left I rode the elevator up to the third floor and walk to room 312. When I opened the door the man was still sleeping. I grabbed his chart and turned around to examine his heart monitor. I started singing a song I had heard this morning on the way to work. I've always loved singing and sometimes I do it absentmindedly "Where did you go. Where did go go go."
"Nice pipes."
Startled I turn around to find the man sitting up in bed. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you," he said.
"It's fine I didn't mean to wake you," I replied timidly
"I don't mind, you have an amazing voice."
Now that I wasn't trying to keep him from bleeding out he was actually kind of handsome. He had dark hair and green eyes with tan skin. He looked at me with a serious gleam his eye before smiling.
"Mind if I ask a few questions?" I asked.
"Sure, fire away Doc."
"Adam Marino."
"I recognize that name from somewhere," I say, thinking intently.
For a second he had a look of fear in his eyes, but it was gone so fast I'm not sure was there.
"Do you remember what happened last night?"
"I was shot."
"Really? I had no idea," I say sarcastically.
I tried a different question.
"Do you remember who shot you?"
Indecision flashed on his face before he responded. "No," he said hesitantly.
"Well I'm sure the police will figure it out."
"So," he said in a clear effort to change the subject. "When will I be out of this joint?" He said.
I couldn't help but laugh. Joint? I've never heard someone use that word to describe the hospital. "You should be out of here tomorrow if there are no complications."
he thought about something for a moment before coming to a decision.
"When do you get off work tomorrow?" He asked me
I was caught off guard by the question but answered regardless "8 o' clock"
"Come to dinner with me," he said cooly.
"What!" I exclaimed caught off guard. This guy really doesn't like to beat around the bush.
"As a thank you," he said quickly realizing what it sounded like to me.
"Oh you don't--" I started.
"Please?"he asked.
I barely know this guy, but my mother had taught me to be polite besides, he'd probably cancel once he was discharged.
"Sure why not" I said half-heartedly.
The rest of my day went on as normal, I talked to Jules and visited the children's ward, but lunch got very uncomfortable very fast.
"So, I've been thinking," said Scarlett as she sat down next to me.
"Uh-Oh," I said to her in response
"Shut up!" She said smaking me playfully "Zack died two years ago so, maybe it's time you start dating again."
"What?! No!"
"Come on, Rose. I know a guy who would love to meet you." She pleaded.
I'm about to tell her no again when I have an idea.
"Actually, I already have a date," I say with a smirk.
She looks at me skeptically.
"Really? When?"
"With who?"
I was not known for my lying abilities so instead of an insane excuse I just tried to be as vauge as possible.
"Just someone I met through work," I say nonchalantly.
She let out a gasp, "are you dating another doctor?"
"I can't tell you," I reply in a sing-song voice
"You know I'll who it is right?"
She probably would have figured it out if there was anything to figure out.
Scarlett's pager beeped "Duty calls" she called as she left. I finished my salad and later in the day I clock out and go home. The second I change clothes I'm asleep


the next morning I'm almost at the door when I remember what Adam said. He's probably already forgotten, I thought, but I found myself grabbing a pair of jeans and t-shirt. Time flies by at work and before I know it Adam is walking in at eight on the dot. "Oh" I exclaimed in Surprise, "you were serious about dinner."
Adam laughed "Of course I was."
"Okay let me go change."
I went to go change in the nearest bathroom and threw on the outfit I grabbed that morning. I put on a black v-neck t-shirt and light colored jeans. I examined myself in the mirror, the dark shirt contrasted well with my light hair and hazel eyes. I stepped out of the bathroom and tell Adam I'm ready to go. When we got to the parking lot he walks over to a gray car with tinted windows I'm hesitant to get in, and he notices.
"Come on, I'm a great driver," He said teasingly.
I stand there another second and bite my lip, a nervous tick I've developed over the years, before getting in the car. We drive and silence before arriving at a restaurant called The Way Of Life.
"Hey, I've heard of this place," I say
"Most people have." Wow. I'm regretting this already.
We walk in and Adam gives the waiter his name a brief look mixed with fear and confusion crossed his face as he looked at Adam, then me, then Adam again. "Right this way," he said finally. He seated us at a table close to the middle of the restaurant. There was classical music playing over the speakers and the customers were all wearing formal outfits such as suits and dresses with dress shoes. "I feel painfully underdressed," I said shyly.
"You look great," Adam said. I half smiled and looked around. "you know," I said, "I haven't eaten out in almost 2 years."
"Why?" Questioned Adam
"It's a long story," I stated simply.
"We have time."
"Well, two years ago my boyfriend died."
"Oh, I'm so sorry for your loss," he said solemnly.
"It's fine, it was years ago," I say nonchalantly. The waiter comes by to take our orders. Adam gets the steak and I get the pasta. "So," I say trying to strike up a conversation, "What do you do for a living?" He looks surprised I tried to talk to him, but then he relaxed. "I'm an accountant," he said confidently. I may not be a good liar, but I could always tell when someone was trying to pull one over on me. "Okay, and what do you really do?"
He looked confused for a second before realizing I had figured out he lied. "Oh um... I... Uh."
"You know what," I said teasingly, "forget I asked."
He looked at me, grateful drop the topic. "So, what's it like being a doctor," he inquired. I giggled at how uncomfortable he looked in his attempt at small talk. He laughed too just as the waiter came back with our food and drinks. "Okay, let me think, my favorite patient is named Juliet, but I call her Jules, and my best friend, Scarlett, works with me at the hospital."
We got quiet for a second, and I tried to keep the conversation going. "So, what do you do for fun?" I asked.
"Well, I like reading," He responded distractedly.
"What genre?"
"I like classics,"
"Oh, I love Treasure Island," I said. happily
"So, do you like classics?"
"Some, but I'm more into mysteries." he nodded his head as the waiter came by to ask us if we wanted dessert. We tell him no and Adam's phone rings. he looks at the caller ID, scowl, and tells me he has to take it. When he leaves I pull up my phone, and type his name into the search bar, I know I've heard his name before. When it loads I nearly drop my phone "What the hell?" I whisper under my breath. They're a bunch of stories about a crime boss, and stories to terrible for me to read. The worst man in the city, and I was having dinner with him.

Hey guys!! I said this chapter would be longer and I hope I delivered. I won't always post this fast but I hope I can try to get a chapter up a week. But for now... A new chapter will be up tommorow ;)

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