Chapter Five: "I love you"

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This chapter is for macycohnn

Roses point of view

          The next day I went into work, and Scarlett immediately runs up to me. "You will not believe what happened last night," she said exitedly she looked really happy. Scarlett was naturally a happy person, but today she has a light in her eyes that I haven't seen in a long time.
"What happened?" I asked her with an inquisitive smile.
"We kissed." That was enough to send me sputtering.
"No way! How did it happen? Who kissed who?" I asked. They actually admitted they liked each other!
          "He went in the kitchen to get us some drinks, and then he sat down really close to me and kissed me," She says dreamily. I was so so happy for her. Scarlett and Ryan had known each other years before they met me. I don't know how long they had liked each other, but I'm glad they admitted it. Scarlett is talking about how Ryan asked her on a date, and I listened patiently. We eventually had to get to work, but everytime I saw Ryan I gave him a high-five. He doesn't know Scarlett told me and was very confused.
          Once our shift was over Scarlett, Ryan, and I walked out together. Ryan was wearing jeans and a light grey button-down that sueted him well. Scarlett had on a black, strapless dress her dad had given her a couple months ago. I hadn't seen her wear it before but she looked nice and happy so I didn't want to spoil the moment. They made a great couple and seemed very happy together. "I'll see you guys tomorrow!" I called over my shoulder. I don't think they heard me. I laughed and shook my head.
           When I got home I decided to have a chicken salad for dinner. I sung as I went around my small kitchen. After I had finished making my dinner I walked over to my table when a knock sounded at my door. I checked my clock to see 8:30 blinking back at me. It was to early for Scarlett to be back from her date. The knock sounded again from behind my door. I got up cautiously, and went open the door.
          I opened it to be greeted by Adam. What was he doing here? "Adam? What are y--," but I was cut off by his lips crashing into mine. What was wrong with me?! I screamed in my head as I kissed him back. When he pulled away he leaned hi forehead against mine.
"I love you," he said so low, I'm not sure I heard him right. My eyes flew open only to meet his. What do I say? Should I say anything? My mouth apperently hadn't caught up with my brain.
"I've love you too," I said. What the hell Rose! I said, mentally kicking myself. But, had what I said been a lie? No, it hadn't. I loved him, but we could never be together. I don't know a lot about his past, and honestly? I didn't want to.
"Can I pick you up at the hospital tomorrow?" He asked me and I bit my lip. This can't continue no matter how much I want it to. What do I do?
          And for the second time today I speak before thinking, "Sure." He smiles and kisses me again. Once he leaves I stay myself back to the table. I sit down, but my appetite is gone. Adam has done terrible things, I don't know any specifics, but why would I? Would he give up this life for me? Could he? I get up from the table and and walk to my room, suddenly exhausted.
            As I laid down in bed I thought of what just happened. Did Adam really love me? How come the first guy I've liked since Zach had to be a criminal? I would have thought about it more, but my eyelids started to feel heavy as I drifted off into a dreamless sleep


            The next day when I woke up I made sure to pack a black dress with black heels. On the way to work I turned up the radio to drown out any thoughts of later tonight. I will cross that bridge when I get there. My pager immediately starts going off as sign in.  "No rest for the wicked," I mutter under my breath as I make my way to room 425.
            When I get to the room Dr. Abraham is already there waiting for me. There was a a man lying uncouncious in the bed. He has a cast on his leg and a gash, that has now been covered, across his forehead. "What happened?" I asked Dr. Abraham.
"He was in a car accident on Jackson Avenue," he told me. I suppressed a shutter. Talking about car accidents always remind me of Zach. "I need you to go into the basement and look for the footage from last night," he asks me.
"Footage?" I  question. I did not know we could keep trafic light footage.
"The other driver has not come forward. I need you to go find the footage from last night and see if you can identify a person or license plate."
"You got it," I call over my shoulder as I head for the elevator.
          Once I'm in the basement I start looking for the computer we keep the files on. After I locate the computer I soft through different files with different dates until I find the video I was looking for. I press play on the video and I watch a quiet street. I see the man, who is asleep upstairs, driving as his red light turns green.
          Out of nowhere a car barrels into the drivers side of the car. I pause the video as the blue Civic that hit the other car starts to drive away. I squint my eyes and make out a man with long brown hair. I log out of the video and stand up, ready to go tell Dr. Abraham what I had found, when an idea occurs to me.
           I bite my lip and look around. Not a soul in sight. I sit back down at the computer, and type in the date that haunted my dreams. May 17, 2016, I type into the database search bar. A single video pops up. It's labeled May 17, 2016 Car Accident: unsolved. I click on the video and tears start falling down my face.
            Zach was exiting the jewelry store, when a car speeds into the road. I pause the video and let out a strangled cry.
"No," I whisper "He wouldn't do this."

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Don't you just love cliffhangers? You can probably tell who our killer is but if you can't I won't spoil the surprise ;) see you next week

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