Chapter Ten: Not Again

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          "Adam, if this is some sick joke to try and win me back, it's not working
"I'm afraid that's no what this is, Rose," said the man on the other side.   
        He sounded familiar. Then it came back to me. The men who had kidnapped me. How the hell did they get my number? Oh, right, they're apart of the mob. But, that still doesn't explain why they're calling me. It's Adam they want, and whatever happens to him... It doesn't concern me anymore.
"Do you know where Adam is, Rose?"
"No, I don't. And frankly I don't care," my heart twinged at that statement. Why? I don't care... Right?
"Well, I can tell you where he is," the man said, "He's right here."
I could hear a rustling on the other line before a new voice spoke to me.
"Adam?" What the hell is going on?
"Rose, they... they got me. I-I don't think I can get myself out of this."
          Silent tears rolled down my cheeks. I can't do anything. Evan if I could save him, which I can't. What would I do?
"You should say good bye to your boyfriend," said the man.
"He's not my--" but I was cut off. By gunshots. A choked sob made its way out of my throat.
"I guess he was one patient you couldn't save."
The line went dead.
          I sunk to the ground, my tears falling faster. "No, no, NO!" He can't be dead, right? He has to be alive. He has to. I tried my best to wipe away my tears. I couldn't let people know why I was crying. I stood up and walked on wobbly legs back into the hospital.
"Rose? What's wrong?" I turned and saw Doctor Abraham staring at me worriedly.
"I'm fine just... Allergies,"
"Alright then," he said reluctantly, a worried look on his face.
          I walked up to the elevator and pressed the floor two button. When the elevator opened I walked as fast as I could to the lab. "Ryan? Scarlett? Are you guys in here?" I called, knowing they were probably together.
"Rose? Oh no! Are you okay?" Asked Scarlett.
"Yeah, are you good?" Said Ryan.
"I--" I started, but never finished.
"Can Rose Mcmillan please come to the front desk" a voice called out over the intercom.
"I-- I'll be right back," I told them before hurrying to the elevator.
The doors opened to reveal two men in crisp suits leaning on the receptionists table. One of the men glanced up and noticed me.
"Are you Rose?" The man asked.
I nodded my head still feeling unsteady.
"We're friends of your boyfriend," the man said
"Boyfrie-- ooh" O said, catching on, "Right, are you guys here to pick me up for the, uh, dinner?" I said coming up with an excuse.
"Yeah, but you need to come with us. Now."
          I looked at the receptionists. I had never really talked to her, but I think her name was Macie.
"Hey, Macie, I'm leaving early. Can you tell Scarlett. I didn't really have any cases but she told me not to banish on her. Again." She shook her head yes with a polite smile.
"Of course! Have fun at you dinner." She called as I left, stuck between the two men.
They led me to a car that looked identical to Adam's, grey with tinted windows.
"Alright, who are you guys?" I asked the men. They looked at each other before responding.
"We work for Adam," The man sitting in the passengers seat said. The other man was starting the car as he spoke.
"He called you, right?" He said, "Or, at least, his kidnappers did?"
          I could already feel the tears I was fighting form. "He's dead... Isn't he?" The men shared a look but didn't say anything. I kept quiet for a few miles but couldn't hold my tongue any longer. "Tell me what's going on. Now," I said in a firm voice, "Or I'll call 911,"
One of the men swore under his breath, "You didn't take her phone?"
"She's Adam's girlfriend! Of course I didn't take her phone."
The man driving sighed before responding.
          "I'm James," he said, "and he's Chris." There was another pause. "When Adam told us about you and when things started to... Heat up with an opposing gang, he asked us to protect you if any thing happened to him."
           I was silent as I let that sink in. I was still confused on how I felt about Adam. Look at me, confused about boys. It's like I'm a teenager again. I looked out the window and was met with fields covered in grass. How long had we been driving? I can't remember the last time I saw real grass.
          Wait. Yes I can. It was the day I went to the fair with Scarlett and Ryan. I had had so much fun with them. It seems like forever ago, bit it couldn't have been more that two weeks. Two weeks. In those two weeks so much has happened. And almost none of it normal. What did I do to deserve this horrible twist in faith. You love someone you shouldn't said a little voice in the back of my head.
          I can't deny that. It was all because of that day at work. If I hadn't gone to the E.R. that day none of this would be happening, at least not to me. Adam could still be in this situation and I would be none the wiser.
          I realise we've stopped outside of a farm, and a large one at that.
"What is this place?" I ask.
"It's a safehouse," James says, "It's been in Adam's family for generations."
James walks over to the farmhouse
while Chris and I stay behind. Chris looks over at me and sighs.
"He's not dead," said Chris.
I looked up at him, "What?"
"He's not dead. James and I both talked to him before we picked you up. The gunshots you heard were real, but they weren't aimed at him," he said, "Adam's alive."

Hey guys! So we know Adam's alive but for how long? What are James and Chris going to do about it? And how does this involve Rose? I can't wait for you guys to find out! See you next week! (✿^‿^)

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