Chapter six: Videotape

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This chapter is for maddiemew

Warning: this chapter contains mature themes such as: kidnapping.
Please read at your own risk.

"No. No, no, no!" I scream at the computer as tears stream down my face. "How could he!" I fell down to the ground, crying. How could I ever face him again? What would I do if I ever saw him again? I stood up and tried my best to stop crying. I wiped my eyes and took a few deep breaths. Walking towards the elevator, I did my best to keep calm. I didn't want anyone to know why I was crying. They would ask to many questions.
When the elevator doors opened I did my best to put on a smile. "Are you okay?" A voice asked. My eyes were probably ringed in red. As I looked up I saw the source of the voice. It was Dr. Abraham.
"Uh... Yeah I just have allergies," I said thinking on my feet.
"Okay," he said slowly, giving away that he didn't believe me. "Do you have a description for are hit and run driver?"
"Yes sir," I say before giving him a description of the man I saw on the first video. He nods his head at me and thanks me before walking down the hallway way, out of my sight. Once I can't see doctor Abraham I rust to the nearest bathroom and lock myself in a stall. The tears have already started falling down by the time I've gotten in the bathroom.
Then the memories rush back into my head before I can do anything.


"Tonight was perfect," I say to Zach as we walk into our apartment.
"I'm glad you had fun," he said with a lazy smile, snaking his arm around my waist, pulling me closer. "You look absolutely gorgeous when you smile." I press a kiss to his lips, smiling. How did I get so lucky? I think to myself. Zach was everything I could have ever wanted. He was an architect. He was never aggressive and always talked things out, but he was never a pushover. He was intelligent but he never made people feel inferior. He was incredible. And I loved him.
"So, watch a movie or have an impromptu dance party?" He said looking at me. His hazel eyes piercing mine and his thick, brown hair falling into his eyes.
"You know I never turn down the chance to dance with you," I told him, smiling. He turned on the radio we kept in the kitchen to a classical radio station.
He held out a hand to me "May I have this dance?"
I giggled, putting my hand in his "of course." With one hand in mine and the other around my waist, we started to sway in time with the music. I rested my head on his shoulder.
"I love you," he said, pulling back to look me in the eyes, "have you ever thought about getting married, in like a year or two?"
I rested my head back on his shoulder, "I would like that."

Flashback over

The tears have finally stopped and I unlock the bathroom stall to splash water on my face. I looked in the mirror and took a beep breath. "You'll be okay," I say to my reflection before walking bout of the bathroom.
When I opened the door I looked at a clock on the wall and realized my shift was almost over. It was almost time for my date with Adam. I don't know if I can look at him right now, or ever for that matter. I slowly made my way to the lobby, and in walked Adam. Mixed emotions of hate and warmth filled me.
I put on a smile so he wouldn't notice and ran up to hug him. We can talk privately later so I can give him a piece of my mind. "Hey," he said with a lazy smile.
"Hey," I replied cooly.
"Are you ready to go?" He asked me
"Actually, can we stop by my apartment? I didn't bring a change of clothes."
He nodded his head and I bit my lip as I got into his car.


We pull up to my apartment and we both get out. I slowly walk up the stairs and pull out my key, preparing for what come next. I let Adam in and then I let loose all the fury I had been holding in. "What the hell Adam!" I scream at him. He looks at me confused.
"Rose? Are you okay,"
"No, I'm not," I say regaining my composure slightly, "Do you know a man named Zach Gardner?" I asked him, glaring. Slight recognition at the mention of the name flashes in his eyes, and that's all the answer I need.
"You lying scumbag!" I screamed at Adam. He looked at me with a shocked expression. I don't like to raise my voice after years of working in a hospital I learned quickly that screaming can upset patients so I just stopped raising my voice. But right now, in this moment, all I could do was scream, in hopes I could release some of my pain.
"Rose, what are you talking about?" He said puzzled.
"You know what I'm talking about. You killed the only man I ever loved and you at least owe me an explanation,"
I screamed at him. He looked taken aback at my statement and I soon realised my mistake. I told Adam I loved him. Did I love him anymore? How could I love a man like him. He killed Zack. He took him away from me. We were going to have a life together, and he took it away from me. From us.
"I swear I didn't know, Rose you have to believe me," he pleaded.
"Bull crap you didn't know! You know everyone in this damn town!" I said, Only pausing to catch my breath "Get out!" I screamed at him.
"W-what?" He stammered. How could he be confused? What he did was unforgivable.
"I said," letting hatred seep into my voice, "Get. Out."
I walked up to my front door, as tears started to build up behind my eyes. I opened my door and he sulked out, but not before looking at me with sadness in his eyes. It was almost enough to break me. Almost. The second he was over the threshold of my apartment, I slammed the door. I let the tears freely fall from my eyes. How could anyone do this?
Adam xould. It's what he does, he kills and smuggles and doesn't give a damn about anyone. I thought he loved me. He said he loved me. He didn't really though. I thought I could change him, but he'll always have blood on his hands. Zack's blood. How could I have loved him?
I stood up from my spot on the couch, wiping the tears from my eyes. I went into my room and opened up my closet. Inside was a box that I pried open. I hadn't gone running in a long time. I used to do it every day, but after Zach died I was too upset to keep up with it. I pulled out a tank top, some running shorts, and some tennis shoes. I quickly changed and grabbed my phone and some headphones as I made my way toward the door
I looked around slowly making sure Adam wasn't lingering.When I was satisfied he wasn't around I walked down the three flights of stairs it takes to get to the bottom of my building before starting my jog.
After about ten minutes I got an uneasy feeling in my chest. Like I was being watched. I took out my earbuds and looked around. The street was deserted as far as I could tell, so I just shrugged and put my earbuds back in.
Before I could start my run again a hand clamped down over my mouth from behind. I tried to scream but no sound could be heard. My vision was blurring around the edges, and soon the world faded into a cold darkness.

Hello guys! Please leave a comment and tell me what you thought of this chapter because I really loved writing it! It's slightly longer than past chapters because of all the drama. }:‑) And thank you so much for helping me reach 161 reads it may not seem like a lot but I'm truly thankful for all your support.
See you next week when we find out who kidnapped Rose. Bye!!

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