Chapter Nine: Normal

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"I said get out. I don't want you here," I said calmly with a pleading look on my face. "In the beginning, I wanted this to work, I wanted to be with you, but that was just a stupid dream."
"No, it wasn't we ca--"
          I cut him off "No, we can't do anything. Adam, you're a murderer and the only thing keeping me from turning you in is because I know damn well you pay off half the cops on the force. We can't be together because no matter what you do in the future, you still have a past, and dark one at that.
          "So, please, leave. Don't make this harder than it has to be, because if you don't leave we'll both do something we regret," I finished.
          He stared at me for a minute, maybe two, and then he walked to the door and opened it. I expected him to put up more of a fight or to, at the very least, slam the door. Instead he left and calmly said, "You won't hear from me again. I promise."
          He was gone. And I was the one who sent him away, so, why did my heart ache? I sunk to my knees, staring at the floor as tears silently rolled down my face. I walked back into my room and opened my closet, grabbing a pair of scrubs. I wiped the tears from my eyes as I reached for some concealer on my counter.
          I didn't have any major injuries, but I did have a bruise the size of golf ball on my jaw. I quickly covered it up as best I could, which was difficult seeing as I don't use makeup that often. Once I was sure the purple and blue tones were covered, I grabbed my phone and walked out to my car.
           I took a deep breath before driving, still shaken from the events of the last few days. Once I was calm, I started to drive and was at the hospital in twenty minutes. I put on a half smile for show and walked in. Scarlett and Ryan immediately ean up to me.
Scarlett gave me a hug before hitting me in the arm lightly
"Ow! What was that for?" I questioned.
          "That was for making me worry about you," she gave me a hug, "and that was because I'm glad you're okay. We were really worried so please don't do that again."
"Don't worry," I started, " Ill try not to get sick again."
          Ryan gave me a hug too before his pager beeped "sorry," he said, "I have to go." He kissed Scarlett before running of to the lab.
Scarlett watched him leave.
          "Oooh, so you guys got closer while I wasn't around? Maybe I should get sick again," I said teasing her.
"Hey! You're the one who bailed on me! I was going to invite you to a movie, but since you weren't answering my calls Ryan graciously stepped in.
          I smiled as she dove right in to all the details of her movie night. How they watched a new horror film, how Ryan did that cheesey yawn-and-put-your-arm-around-your-date thing, and how he drove her home and kissed her on her front stoop.
          This was a welcome distraction from my current life. Watching my best friend's face light up when she talked about Ryan was a beautiful sight. I'm glad they're able to make it work. We talked for another five minutes before Scarlett's pager beeped.
"I have to go. I'll see you later?"
"Definitely." I said with a small smile.
          As she walked away I went to the elevator and pressed the button with a lit up "6" on it. The elevator played some classical music and I hummed along. The elevator opened on the sixth floor and I got out. I walked down the hall and stopped at a door with the words "Dr. Evans" written across it. I knocked three, swift times.
"Come in!" Called a voice.
I opened the door and Doctor Evans greeted me.
"Hello Rose, it's good to have you back."
"Hello sir, I just wanted to apologise again for my absence for the past two days," I explained.
"I understand, Rose. In my first three years I had at least for sick days I didn't call in for," she informed me. She had light brown skin and eyes to match.
"Thank you for understanding ma'am," I called as she waved me out the door with a smile.
          The rest of the day went by as usual. I talked to Jules and helped down in the E.R. I visited Ryan in the lab and helped Jules with a recovering cancer patient. By the end of the day I was exhausted but happy I was back.
          It was five minutes until the end of my shift when I got the call. The call that begins the ending of this story. I felt my phone ringing in my pocket and when I pulled it out I let out a sigh of frustration. It was Adam. I looked around before hurrying outside to take the call.
"What could you possibly want," I hissed into my phone.
"Ah, ah, ah Miss McMillan. You don't get to ask the questions here, I do," said a voice that was definitely not Adam.

Sorry this chapter is so short guys! I'm having a Marvel Movie Marathon and I forgot to get everything done. Next chapter will be longer and we'll find out what happens to Adam. See you guys next week! Bye! ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ

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