Chapter Two: The Kiss part one

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Shit, Shit, Shit kept repeating in my head. I didn't have more time to freak out, though, because just then Adam came back. "You ready to go?" He questioned. I tried to smile, but I could tell it looked forced and when I nodded it was stiff and mechanical. Adam saw right through my act like I thought he would. "Are you okay," he questioned.
"Yup, never better," I lied.
He could tell I was lying, I knew it, but he didn't push me. "Okay, well, I'll drop you off at the hospital so you can get your car."
"Sounds great." Adam paid the bill and we left the restaurant. It was only 9:30, but I felt really tired all of a sudden. "You sure you're okay?" He asked, weary seeping into his tone.
I gave him a tight smile "Yeah, just... tired,"
He nodded like this explained my changing moods. He tried to start up a conversation again but I barely talked. The second the car was parked I quickly got out and walked to my car. Before I could get my door though...
"Woah, if I didn't know better I'd say you were running for me." He said smirking.
"No!" I say a little too quickly "I'm just really tired and I'm eager to get home."
"Oh," he said despondently "Okay, bye."
Despite my self I laugh "Bye." I got in my car, and once the hospital was out of sight I pulled to the side of the road. Did that really just happen?! it's fine, it's fine, it was a one-time thing and it will never happen again I say to myself in a lame attempt at trying to calm myself down. After I calm myself down I get back on the road. I drove peacefully all the way to my apartment. I got home and kick off my shoes and fall on the couch "What a night!" I cried. I still can't believe he was a criminal. Adam was funny and kind, or at least he put on a good act. I looked back at my phone and click on the first link on the page and immediately a photo of Adam pops up on the screen with the headline Adam Marino: Iside the Mind of a Mobster. I turn off my phone feeling exhausted and went to bed trying to banish the thought of Adam's laughter.


At work Scarlett ambushes me, "So, how was your date."
"What?" I ask startled.
"You said you had a date last night."
"Oh...uh... Yeah, it went well."
"That was officially the worst answer ever," she complained.
"Look I just want to work and forget about last night."
She sighed, "Whatever you say."
Just then my pager beeped "Yes! saved by the bell," I said to Scarlett. I left to go check on my new patient. I find him a room 416. "Hi, are you Jeremiah?" I ask him.
"That's me Doc." He looked like the kind of person you would at the beach surfing and hanging out with friends. He had Sandy blonde hair and grey eyes. "Your chart says you checked yourself in. Why?" I asked him
"I can't see through my right eye," he said nervously, "It's probably nothing, but my dad wanted me to make sure."
I look in his eye with a flashlight and ask him some questions. "Does your family have a history with blindness?" He thinks and gets a worried look on his face before answering.
"Yes, my great-grandfather was blind at birth, and my grand father went blind a couple years ago. I got my lip nervously. There was a good chance that in 40 years Jeremiah would be totally blind too. Bad genetics cause very bad things.
"Well, I'll go run some tests and let you know," I tell him. As I leave Jeremiah's room, I'm on my way to the lab when a couple of doctors rush by me.
And head straight to Jules room.
I follow them to find Jules convulsing in her bed. "Oh no, it's a seizure," I whisper under my breath. A doctor stepped in my way, obscuring my view of Jules, but I see one of the other doctors do something to her before she stops moving. "Is she okay?" I questioned.
"She should be fine, but for now I'll get the speech therapist."
Jules has had so many attacks, she can recover like that. However, she still needs speech therapy after an attack. I'll check on her in a few days when she's able to speak again. For now I make my way to the lab to run Jermiah's tests.
"All set. I'll come find you when the results come in," said Dr. Ryan Donahue, my friend in the lab.
"Thanks, Ryan."
"No problem, tell Scarlett I said 'hi'." He said.
Once I left the lab I ran into Scarlett. "There you are I've been looking for you everywhere," she complainer.
"Well, you found me. Oh,and Ryan says 'hi'," I informed her.
"He did?" She said with a little smile on her face, "Wait! That's not why I need you. Can I come over to your place for dinner?" She asked.
"Sure, but why?"
"My parents are in town and asked if we could have dinner together. I panicked and told them I was having dinner with you," she explained in and one breathe.
"Oh." I didn't blame her. This would be the first time Scarlett would have had dinner with her parents since the divorce.
"You're always welcome, Scarlett. How does pork chops and chocolate cake sound?"
"Amazing, thank you," she said relived After she left Dr. Donahue walked up to me. "here are the test results for your patient," he said.
"Thanks again Ryan," I responded. he left and I look down at the results. "Dang it," I whispered under my breath. Sometime in his late 60s Jeremiah woul be completely blind and until then hed be blind in his right eye. I walked to Jeremiah's room to deliver the news.
"How do you feel," I asked him.
"great," he answered.
"All right, well, your test results came back," I said, "And you're right eye will stay blinded, and in around 40 years you'll be... totally blind," I say, almost whispering the last part. Jeremiah is silent, and every second that goes by my heart breaks a little more. I've delivered bad news before, but I've never gotten used to it.
"What did you say," I questioned
"I'll be blind when I'm 65," he said. I couldn't look him in the eye. Most of the time when I delivered bad news people get angry and say it's my fault, and I don't blame them. That's why I'm surprised when arms come around me. "It's okay, there was nothing you could have done," Jeremiah said.
"Well, you've been discharged," I say taking a deep breath, "You can leave today," I informed him.
"Alright, thanks for the info, Doc."
He left and I finished my shift. It was only 5:00, but me and Scarlett get off early today because the interns were getting their first cases, and everyone on my shift was happy to leave early. On the drive home my thoughts shifted to Adam, but I quickly turned on the radio and listened to music all the way home.
I had just put the cake in the oven and I had an apron on. I had some flour on my hands and I quickly wiped them on my apron when I heard a knock on the door. "Coming!" I yelled. I walked over and opened the door. "Hi, Sca-- oh."
It was Adam.
"Hey," he said, standing in the doorway. He was easily a foot taller than me. "I was wondering if you wanted to get dinner again... As a date," he said the last part quietly.
Oh!... Uh" I s to stammered and bit my lip. I really wanted to say no, but I hadn't been able to get out off my mind the way he was looking at me...
"Yeah, okay." I could see his face visibly relax. He reached up and ran a thumb across my cheek. When he pulled away there's a white powder on his thumb."Oh," I laughed, "I'm baking a cake."
"I can see that," he said taking in my flour and chocolate covered apron. "I can pick you up here at 7:30 tomorrow" he says.
"All right," I responded. He leaves and I shut the door and lean against it. "My life is a mess," I whisper to myself. another knock sounds behind the door. I reluctantly got up and answered it. When I opened its Scarlett was standing there with a bottle of rosé. "I'm ready for the best dinner ever," she says.
I relax my face into a smile, "Hi Scarlett."
She inhales deeply, "your apartment smells amazing,"
as she says this the oven dings."That would be the cake," I say as I walk into the kitchen. When I pull a cake out Scarlett says, "Can we eat the cake now!" She pleaded.
I laughed "No, pork chops first.
"You're no fun," she whined.
"You can whine but I know you love my cooking."
She's quiet for a long time before she answers "You can't prove anything," she says. We both start laughing.
"Okay," I breathed, "let's eat." We sat down to eat, and Scarlett fixated her gaze on me. "So, who is he." I nearly spit out my drink.
"W-what," I stammered, confused.
"The guy I saw leaving your apartment. Who is he? Wait... is he the guy you had dinner with? back for date number two?" She said with a smirk.
"Yeah, we had dinner but--"
"What's his name?" Unlike me, I knew Scarlett would immediately recognize Adam's name, but I didnt want to lie to her and I had to tell her something.
"Uh...Adam. His name is Adam."
She looked at me skeptically, but eventually smiled, "Well what's he like?" she asked.
"Uh... He's kinda shy but...uh--," I was having a hard time describing a man notorious for illegal activity.
"He's shy and... what? That's it? Come on, Rose give me all the details."
I thought for a second before speaking. "He's kind of aloof, but he seems nice... on the outside at least,"
"Well, if he ever gives you trouble," she cracks your knuckles, "Send him my way, and I'll set him straight." We both laugh.
"I'm so glad we are friends, I mean who else would threaten a man she doesn't even know." She throws a piece of food at me and it just misses. We bust out in a fit of laughs again. "Well, time for cake," I declare
"Yes!" she exclaimed. We ate our cake and shortly after I hugged Scarlet goodbye, and after cleaning up went to bed


The next morning I went to go check on Jules. She had already started working the speech therapist, Dr. Braden, and when he sees me he motions for me to come inside. "Juliet," he said, "do you know who this is?"
"Of course I do, it's Rose, and I told you, I'm fine," she said.
"You are too stubborn for your own good, but I think it's one of your best qualities," I replied.
"Oh no, don't encourage her," said Dr. Braden. I laughed as I left the room and almost run into Ryan. "Oh, god, I'm sorry Ryan," I said.
"It's fine is uh... Scarlet with you," he stammered. Scarlett? whoa whoa whoa, wait a second, did Ryan like Scarlet? oh, was going to be fun.

Hey guys!!! I hope enjoyed the chapter!!
What do you think would Ryan and Scarlett be great together?
What about Roses date with Adam?
All will soon be revealed... In the next chapter. I'm also going to start picking a random subscriber at the beginning of each chapter.
Have a lovely weekend!

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