Chapter Seven: "Where Am I?"

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Warning this chapter contains mature themes such as:
Please read at your own risk

          I came to in a dark room. I tried to move, but my wrists were tied down. I swear on all that is holy if Adam did this I will tear him apart. I look around and can hear footsteps approaching. I keep struggling against my restraints only to find my legs to be tied down as well.
"Well, isn't she a pretty one," I heard a gruff voice say.
"I can see why Adam developed an interest in her," said another voice. They most definitely were not Adam.
"Where am I?!" I shouted at the silouets of the two men. All the did was laugh
"You're here to help us find Adam," stated the first voice, "and when he undoubtedly comes to save you... We'll finish what we started."
         At his words I heard the click of a gun. They're going to use me to lure Adam out and when they do their going to kill him. Conflicting emotions waged a war inside me. I hated Adam with every bone in my body, but could I really sit by and let these people kill him? Well, I didn't have a choice. Unless I can find a way to get out of this chair, I can't do anything.
"Aww, look she thinks she can get out," said the second voice as I struggled.
"Before we kill Adam, I say we should make him watch his little doctor friend die," rang out the first voice.
          That stopped me dead in my tracks. Think, Rose, how can you get out of this? But nothing came to mind. I decided it would be best to wait until I thought of a plan and to try to not show any fear. I heard a pair of footsteps approach me and stop maybe a foot away.
          As soon as the room went quite a hand swung out and slapped me across my face. Hard. I resisted the urge to scream, but the pain was to unbearable. I let out a cry to the amusement of my capters. 
"Your turn," I heard as the footsteps retreated.
          A second set of feet approached me. The steps were louder and heavier set. The man did as the last had done and stopped in front of me. Instead of slapping me, however, he punched me and as my head swung right with the impact of his face I spit out an iron-tasting liquid, which I could only assume was blood.
          I could already feel the bruise forming on my cheek. I ran my tounge through my mouth to make sure I still had all of my teeth. To my relief, I did. My face stung, but O refused to let out another Yelp. The men walked away and I heard the swinging of a door before I was pitched into darkness.


          After what felt like five hours I heard the same door swing open. I braced for another assault but was instead met by the soft voice of a woman.
          "Open your mouth. You need to eat." I was hesitant. What if it was another drug, or, worse poison. I felt a hand grab my jaw and ruffly pulled my mouth open. A spoon was jammed into my mouth. I swallowed the liquidy food. It tasted like... Yogurt?
"Who are you?" I asked the woman.
"Not important. All you need to know is that I'm the closest thing you have to a friend right now," Despite my pain I laughed at her. Did she really just say friend?
"Hey!" She snapped, "tweedle dumb and dumber weren't going to feed you at all, so if I were you? I'd be grateful."
          That made me get quiet. After she finished giving me... lunch? Dinner? I didn't know there wasn't a window in sight. What would happen when I didn't show up to work? Would Scarlett and Ryan get worried? I've never skipped work without calling in first. What about Adam? Why did I care? He was selfish and manipulative and I shouldn't want to even be around him
But I do.
          Ugh, not the time to complain about your terrible love life, Rose. My vision had adjusted to the darkness of wherever I was. The room was bare except for the chair I was sitting in and a pile of what looked like wood planks near a wall to my left. How was I going to get out of this?
          I was still in my running clothes and didn't have any thing I could use as a chisel to the ropes keeping me in the chair. I tried futally to untie the knots that held me down. Okay let's think this through what do I know about my situation. This was a tip I had learnt in med school.
          As far as I knew there were three people involved. The goal was to lure Adam here to save me but instead kill him. The people who kidnapped me were most likely the same people who shot Adam and put him in the hospital. I won't be able to get out unless someone unties me or loosens my ropes. I think that's it.
          All of a sudden the door banged open and light flooded into the room. I finally got a clear glimpse of my captors. One was a lanky man with strong arms and the other was a more heavy set man with something shining in his hand. Brass knuckles.
          Upon seeing his new addition I struggled, but like all the other times I was still sitting in the same chair. I had to have laserations on my wrists.
"Hey girly, lover boy called," said the man with the brass knuckles, "he knows we have you. He said he'd come here if we didn't hurt you, but I won't tell if you don't." With that he slammed his fist into my head I felt blood running down my temple as my vision blurred and then went black all together.

Well that happened. Hi guys!! I finished writing this chapter SUPER early so I can get a jump start on the next two because I know people will not agree with what's about to go down. I promise it'll get better but if you get super angry at the book for the next couple of chapters I understand. But! Until then see you next week! Happy Valentine's Day! ( ˘ ³˘)♥

The Doctor And The Mobster (Working Title)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ