Chapter Eight: The Oath

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         this chapter of is for bestaed

          I was floating. This was definitely a dream. Or maybe I was dead. The brain is active for seven minutes after death. Maybe this is my seven minutes. I look around in my dream state and am met with a familiar pair of green eyes. Adam's eyes. He was laughing. What was so funny? The white around me started to bleed into a clearing.
          I was wearing a pastel yellow summer dress with pink flowers printed on it. There were lush, green trees around us. Definitely a dream.
"Is this because I was hit in the head to hard or do I miss you?" I said looking back at the Adam sitting on a blanket next to me.
A little bit of both, I thought. The Adam sitting next to me had stopped laughing and looked at me.
"I love you, Rose," he said.
          I didn't have time to respond to my dream because I felt something wierd on my wrists. Like ropes being cut.
And then I was awake.
I awoke with a gasp to find a face starring at me. The same face from my dream.
"Adam?" I choked out, my voice hoarse, "How did you find me?"
"I've got connections. Now come on let's get you out of here." His face was covered in dirt and his hair was disheveled.
          His shirt, a black button-down, was ripped in three places. He lifted me up from a chair and into his arms. I would have protested, but I don't think I'd be able to walk.
He winced. "You're hurt."
"I'll be fine I've been through worse."
He started walking towards the door, but I heard a bang go off as he stumbled. I looked down and saw red.seeping into his jeans.
He was shot.
           We managed to make it out of the building and Adam helped me into the car. He slammed the drivers side door and floored it away from the building.
"How did you know where I was?" I asked him.
He kept his eyes on the road, "This is a safehouse that they used to use when they were," he paused for a moment, "when they were on my side." He looked over at me, "Are you okay? Did they hurt you?"
"I think I'm fine. My vision isn't blurred and I don't taste blood in my mouth anymore."
Adam's grip on the steering wheel tightened "I can't believe them. I can't believe they would pull something like this," he mumbled.
          I stayed quiet. Adam seemed really upset and I was really tired. I tried to keep my eyes open, but I couldn't help it. The car lulled me to sleep.


          I woke up still in the car. Adam was still in his seat next to me, and when I looked up I saw we were parked outside my apartment. Adam was trying to fix his bullet wound and I grabbed his hand.
          "Stop. You could make it worse," I said, "Come with me." I took his hand and led him up the stairs to my apartment. I crossed my fingers and hoped my spare key that I keep inside a potted plant was still there. It was. I unlocked the door and helped Adam inside.
           I went into the kitchen and grabbed my first aid kit. When I came back into the living room Adam was sitting on the couch. "Okay this might hurt," I said as I pulled out a pair of tweezers. His pants were rolled up and I could see that there was an enter wound, but not an exit one.
            I pressed the tweezers next to wound and Adam sucked in a breath. "I'll do it on three," I told him, "One... Two... Three!" I gently pressed the tweezers into the wound and then I gently hit something. I grabbed it and pulled it out. It was a golden bullet. "See? That wasn't to bad."
             I grabbed a cotton swab and poured alcohol on it. "This will sting, but you need to stay quiet," I explained. If my neighbors heard this, it would be hard to explain. I started to clean his wound and he took in a sharp breath. I used three different swabs before the wound was clean, and then I pulled out a needle and thread.
              I slowly began to sew up his wound. The stitches were dissolvable ones and would be gone in a few days. When I was done I cleaned the needle and packed up the kit.
"Thank you," Adam said.
I rolled my eyes "Whatever,"
"What's wrong?" he asked.
Was he serious? "Adam, I didn't do that because I forgive you," I said, "When I was just becoming a doctor I took and oath. That no matter what I would try to save people."
          He stared at me for a moment before trying to stand. He wobbled and fell back down on the couch.
"You can stay tonight, but I want you gone by tommorow morning," I told him as I turned around to go to sleep.
"Wait! This is yours." He tossed a phone in my direction and I barely caught it.
            When I turned on my phone I saw six missed calls from Scarlett, four from Ryan, and one from the hospital. "Damn it," I whispered as I caught sight of the date. I had been gone for two days. I went to my room and called Scarlett first.
"OhmyGod Rose!" She started, "Where are you? Why haven't you been at work?" She said in a single breath.
"Hey, Scarlett," I said trying to think of an excuse. "Sorry I caught a cold and ended up sleeping. A lot," Okay not my best lie, but Ii not a good liar, alright?
"Rose! You can't do stuff like that! I thought you had been kidnapped or something!"
I shouldn't have laughed, but I couldn't help it. "You thought someone kidnapped me? Yeah right!" That one sounds more believable.
Scarlett laughed on the other line
"Okay, okay, maybe not kidnapped, but don't do that to me ver again!"
"Don't worry, I won't," I assured her, hoping it was true.
"I have to go, but you are coming to work tomorrow, right?" I
          told her I was before calling my supervisor at the hospital. She wasn't happy I hadn't called in, but I'd never missed a day prior and there was a bug going around so she let it slide. I set my phone down on the dresser and fall into bed. It felt amazing to be in my own bed as I slowly drifted to sleep.


          I woke up and went into the kitchen to make breakfast when all of a sudden I felt hands on my waist. I looked up and met Adams eyes for a moment before he pressed his lips to mine. But this time I was prepared and I pushed him away.
"Get out."

          Okay I was on a time crunch for this one so sorry if it is bad but next chapter will be better Rose is safe at home, but for how long? What will happen between her and Adam? You guys will find out in the coming weeks and chapters. For now I'll see you guys next week! Bye! ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ

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