Chapter 9: The Holo's

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Chapter 9: The Holo's

August 28 - Friday

Professor Valeron was no joke. After we took our diagnostic test, he decided to develop our endurance; military style. My body ached everywhere. He pushed us way over our limits. Some of my classmates almost fainted during the workouts.

That same routine was done Wednesday and today.

It didn't sit well with the class that as a requisite we also needed to start going to the gym at least two times per week. Eros was ecstatic, of course. So we decided to go to the gym Tuesday's and Thursday's in the evenings. That way, we could enjoy our weekend and rest.

Our time at the gym was spent lifting weights and running on the treadmill; against our aching body's wishes. It's a total change, to do exercises almost every day. But I understood that it was needed; in some twisted way I enjoyed it.

On the other hand, sleeping has been amazing these past few nights. The realization that the Valeriana roots' effect lasted more than one night's sleep made me happy; roughly 3 to 4 days.

Seeming as last night the effects where no where to be seen, I met up with Saul.

"What did you think of our training class?" I asked.

He chuckled grimly. "I've been pushed all my life to do labor. But that is a whole different thing."

I totally agreed. I also asked him if he thought about going to the Holo's, which he decided wasn't his thing; though I suspected he didn't even know what the Holo's were.  We continued to train Saul's ability, granted he didn't push himself. We were all tired.

That brings us to right now. Cory and I were painting our nails in the living room. Music in the background.

"How far are the Holo's?" I asked shaking the nail polish. Even that soft movement made my arms ache.

"If we take the bus, probably fifteen to twenty minutes; depending on traffic. But it's fun to walk, see the city." Cory mumbled.

I grunted. "My legs scream in agony each time I take a step. Can't we take the bus?"

Cory chuckled. "I didn't say we couldn't."

I had finished my toes, now on to my hands. "You are originally from here right?"

"Yep." She mumbled painting her toes, with her tongue partially out.  "Good ol' city girl." She mumbled.

"Do you like it here?" I asked, painting my right hand first.

"I do. I love being in the center of the city. My family's apartment is almost at the outskirts of town." She extended her legs, admiring her work. "Have you liked it here?"

I nod, dipping the small nail brush in the polish. "I miss my mom, but apart from that? I love this place. The people here are kind." I stopped. "I do miss the cold air and the stars."

Cory looked at me with a frown. "The stars? We have stars here. We do have stars here..." she tilted her head, "By the Queen, do we?" She placed the nail polish on the coffee table and waddled to the balcony, trying not to damage her nails. Pulling the curtains to the side, she looked out. "I'll be damned. We don't have stars!"

"How come you never noticed before?" I asked. "The city creates a lot of light pollution."

Cory awed, still trying to find at least one star. She pulled the curtains back and waddled to the sofa. "I'm amazed I never noticed it before."

I grinned. "You should see them from my hometown. Gosh they are mesmerizing. Specially when flying through the air," I closed my eyes, grinning wider, "feeling the cold rush on your face!"

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