W For Withdrawn

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Atsu was never the best at communication, talking generally wasn't his thing. He was best at keeping quiet, at dealing with everything by himself.

Why did he have to drag Kanashi of all people into his mess?

Why her? Why then, of all times?

He only coughed. It was followed by a sickening quenching sound. It was a terrible, terrible sound. Like gurgling acid and stomped organs. Like choking, but worse. He couldn't stop himself. It hurt to stop himself.

It was as if there was something suffocating him from in his throat. It stuck like syrup.

He was swimming a lap without arms, drowning, kicking at the water to breathe. To live. He had to choke up the last bit of air left in his lungs, breathing in poison.

His death was inevitable. But she shouldn't worry.

She's fretting over him, worried一she's too young to be worried about the things she is. She's only ten; she shouldn't be taking care of him. She should be whispering secrets to stuffed animals and writing letters to santa.

Her eyes should be sparkling with joy and pleasantness. Building figmented worlds of her own.

This could have all been avoided, he thinks, if he'd dealt with the pain. If only he一 he's so pathetic it hurts him. His head is spinning in circles, his vision is spotted; his chest clenches, his heart squeezes tightly and his windpipe closes. He makes that terrible quenching noise again. His throat burns, but he can breathe. Even if it's all wheezed and scratchy.


He skipped three days on sick leave and by the time he comes back they have a new student that was supposed to arrive.

Atsu comes to class early today一not as early as usual though, Karma is there and the AIFA is on, conversing with him about random things. Atsu doesn't bother to eavesdrop on what they're saying, he couldn't make a difference anyway.

He couldn't even hold in his own spit. He could wave his arms up and down like when he pretended to fly.

AIFA 'turns' to him. "Hei, velkommen tilbake, Hino, og god morgen."

"God morgen til deg også, AIFA,"

"Jeg gå av Ritsu nå."

There is a blanket of nerve that warps over them. Encompassing the group of three.

It hurts- everything hurts. Why won't it stop- stop it. Stop it. Stop it. His throat closes; he can't breathe again. His lungs are set aflame in his constricted chest, his stomach is filled with carmine red as the sky is filled with sapphire blue.

Cotton candy clouds blaze over the burning sun, cracks in the dry dirt; a trap set for any sort of prey; a hungry deer falls in. There is an arrow in its gut. It falls and closes its eyes, embracing the end of its short existence. Atsu coughs into his fist at some point in the conversation between the three voices in the room.

Karma can't help but feel his stomach drop at the sight of blood on the boys fist. It feels odd, he likes making people bleed after all. The redhead teen turns away, averting his eyes from the handsome boys bloodstained fist一 handsome? Since when does Karma think Atsu is handsome.

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