X for Xanthochroia

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Looks at rankings,

*spits out KoolAid™*

Number 1 in Assassination Classroom??

How in the phucc?

Atsu has gotten better at a lot of things over the many years of endurance he's gone through.

He's gotten better at not crying when he's beaten and bandaging himself and Kanashi, he's gotten better at pretending that everything is fine, at telling himself that his life isn't hell. He's gotten better at ignoring the fact that Ame is dead and he wasn't strong enough; he's gotten better at lying to himself- telling himself he isn't dying and that he will celebrate Kanashi's birthday with her; he's gotten better at ignoring the pain in his stomach.

Karasuma is helping them with training today, letting students randomly attack him with the specialized blades used to attack the alien; Nagisa triggers something that makes their teacher flip him in a complex block that even he knows shouldn't be used for beginners. Atsu can feel the fear stifling off of his teacher- he decides to try for once to tag the military worker- it'll help with his final plan.

He hopes this is over soon.

His footsteps are quiet when he walks- he's learnt that if his parents don't hear him, sometimes they forget about his and Kanashi's existence and leave him and her alone. He likes it when they forget, then he's only hungry, but he'd take hunger over a belt and bloody baths any day of the week.

He's gotten better at holding in his hunger.

Green is such an odd color to him, he's never associated it with anything in his life. It's the color of seaweed but he doesn't care about seaweed. Seaweed didn't drown her.

His footsteps are quiet as he approaches, Karasuma doesn't notice him there. His presence is almost nonexistent and he knows this. Atsu is behind the military professional, his green weapon in his loose grip, his eyes are as dull as the blade in his hand. He presses it to the center of Karasuma's back.

"I win."

All Karasuma can do is stare when the emotionless boy walks away from him, because he didn't take notice until then but, his footsteps are quiet. As if he is weightless, as if it's practiced.


They have a new gym teacher the next day and Atsu things he's strange. The Hino doesn't like him, there's something off that triggers a distinct memory of his parents when a friend is over. When friends used to come over, before they all died. Before his parents got involved in the business they run now.

The air is crisp and cold and it smells like rain but Atsu has gotten better at ignoring the chill that goes up his spine and the dread that leaks into his stomach. He hates the smell of rain, but he's been getting better at pretending it doesn't bother him as of late.

Akira Takaoka is an odd man. He's too nice- too sweet, but the man will never know that Atsu is staring, he's gotten better at being discreet about it.

"So, you're talking over P.E. to help Mr. Karasuma get caught up?"

"Yep, those are my marching orders from the top at HQ, poor guy needs some time to himself."

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