A is for Audacious

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Also hA! Y'all though this was the end? Nahh,

Prepare your asses for, say it with me now

C h a r a c t e r    d e v e l o p m e n t.

His breath was light and carefree and loose; as if all of the suffocation is gone. As though it was his first time ever breathing. The dust didn't seem to burden his lungs any longer. At least since Karasuma got him to a hospital, where he was treated of his hemoptysis. 

His joins were so, so tense- itching to move and work- to be used. He'd been in that hospital for weeks- his ribs were fractured and he had major scaring and the scorches on him needed time to heal.

He was ecstatic when he'd left. Almost jumping.

And when he came out of that building, he looked at Karasuma Irina, a few of his classmates and Korosensei; and he smiled. His dull black eyes seemed to flitter- a candlelight dwelling within them. He gave a small, polite tilt of his lips as a sense of euphoria filled him.

His eyes were severely damaged though, despite the stars that flitted in them, and when the doctors asked why, the surprise that showed in their faced was so stark and unhinged he twisted his eyebrows in confusion.

"I wasn't allowed to fall asleep or they'd choke Kanashi; I didn't want her to get hurt, her lungs were weaker than mine." Atsu had taken a deep breath, as if to try and calm himself, clenching his jaw and squeezing his fists shut. "I had to poke myself in the eyes- it's actually a decent method of pain inducement. Mor and På would use it on people who wouldn't pay up."

"Pay up?" Irina asked immediately, sapphire eyes widen to saucers.

"Yeah, they work with the yakuzaーtorturing and weapon trades. They dabbled in human trafficking I think." His ramblings were cut short by Karasuma sighing.

"Well, whatever it is, they're in jail now, so you should be fine-"

"Can I see them."

"Are you sure, Atsu?" Korosensei brought in.

"Yeah, I want til kick På og punch Mor, det kvinne was e tispe." His eyes narrow into something sinister, his face remains stoic. Still dull and stone-like. He doesn't even seem to realize his slippingー

"You speak Norwegian- correct?" Irina pipes in, her painted, pink nails reaching toward the striplights that warpled in his eyes.

"Yeah- my På is from Norway- it's ironic really." He blacks out for a second, the ends of his vision become distorted into a static of red and black.

"’Cuz Mor had de sinne issues," His voice becomes slurred and his stomach sinks into his gut. His eyes haze black and his limbs are numb.

And suddenly, he's back in the immortal abyss of blue-green. Salt tickles his nose and bird calls scream at his ears, but he doesn't hear any of it. Not a single word of anything reaches through to him; his eyes flutter to sleep andー

She can't breath.

The sound of crashing waves and rain filling his ears. Birds jeer overhead, as if taunting him. Screaming at him to save her.

The sun hides behind clouds so weak they fall apart without enemy, crashing into the waves of the endless sea, it's pretty, he should spend more time looking at scenery after today. He looks foreword- to where the screaming is coming from.

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