the crash

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Its a few days later now. I haven't gone on a date with Finn but we made plans for next week. I was really excited but also scared, I guess that's normal.

Today my family and I went on a family trip for the weekend. We left after school and go to a small hotel till sunday. (It's Friday right now) we went with the car and my mom was driving, I sat next to her and my 2 siblings in the back. We were all singing songs and having fun. My brother and sister started fighting because my sister came to close to my brother in his opinion and when he told her she went even closer. It was hilarious to see them fighting like the children they are. After about five minutes of fighting my mom became annoyed and told them to let go of each other but they didnt listen. While she was driving my mom turned to look at them and started yelling. She accidentally turned the steering wheel whitch coused us to go right and my mom couldn't fixe it until we crashed into a big wall.

My head smached against the dashboard glass shattered everywhere I felt my vision getting blurry as I blacked out.

After a few minutes I heard a lot of sirens and saw blue light coming closer and closer. I came back with bits but blacked out every 2 seconds. I heard some people screaming
"Here! They're here!" And looked at my left when I saw my mom. She was completely covered in blood, glass everywhere and I just started screaming.
"MOM! MOM! MOM WAKE UP! PLEASE MOM DONT LEAVE ME!" Then I thought about my siblings in the back. I wanted to turn around but my neck just hurted to much. I heard people outside talking.
"3 children and a woman, the women is dead but I dont know about the children.
I didnt understand, I just didnt. Someone saw me and came running to me. "The girl is awake someone help her, i need backup here"
I didnt understand. I was still talking to my mom although she didnt answer. Where they talking about her? Is she the dead woman? I couldn't think clearly. 3 or 4 man dragged me out of the car and put me on a stretcher. I started screaming again." No dont help me, my sister, my brother, my mother. Help them! I'm fine! Please! Help my mother! MOOMMMM! MAX MATHIS! IF YOU CAN HEAR ME, YOU'RE GOING TO BE FINE OKAY! I'll stay with you!" I was angry, I wasn't hurt as bad as them so why would they help me first? Than I blacked out again. This time i wouldn't get back for a while.

Finn's profile (omg first time yay)

I was just sitting on my couch watching Netflix when someone called me, it was y/n! I got really exciting that she called me but also a little bit scared since I dont know what to say. Should I even pick up? I am probably going to be so awkward... fuck it.
"H-hellow y/n?"
"Hye, is this Finn?"
It was a voice of a male in his 30 I guess.
"Y-yeah t-t-thats me, w-why?"
I was scared, why would he call me with her phone? Was she in trouble?
"Okay so I am Brad, y/n I guess is her name was in her car crash with 3 other people. We couldn't find anything that showed their identity accept for this phone which is apparently still okay, you were the last one that called her so I decided to call you. Could you come to the hospital to do a identity check and maybe we have to ask you some questions but nothing too bad"
I couldn't speak, was she... was she dead?
"I- is she- did someone die?"
"I can't give you that information over phone sir. I'm sorry..."
Oh god.
"I'll be there in 5 minutes!"
Okay, I'll wait. Ask for mr Johnson and they will direct you to me."
"Okay" I hung up and immediately got in my car. I had to hurry up. I cried, a lot. Just thinking about her and the chance she might be dead? Its awful!

It's probably really bad but I just wanted to add some action you know... some drama! I'm sorry if you dont like it.

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