Chapter 7

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Ryans POV:

Her lips on my lips felt magical, she taste so good. I deepened the kiss.

I pulled back. "Skylar you can't just come in here and kiss attack me. I'm at work and there's a student over there." I said pointing at Kylie.

"I know Ry-Ry. I'm sorry, I just got half way to work and I wanted to kiss you so bad. I just had to." Skylar said.

"It's ok baby. I'll see you at home." I said.

"Ok." She said and she kissed me one more time and then she left. I slapped her butt and she turned around.

"Don't make me punish you later." She said and winked and made her way out of my classroom.

"Is that your wife?" Kylie asked once she was gone.

"Yep." I said and continued to write down the lesson on the board.

"She sounds like she's turned on." Kylie said.

"Yeah, she probably is." I said.

"Ok, then why didn't you give it to her?" She asked.

"One I'm at school and two you are a student. I don't need to explain my life to you." I said. I might have sounded harsh but I didn't mean to. She just doesn't need to know about my sex life.

"Ok." Was all she said before doing her work.

The bell rung and people soon made their way in my classroom. Once everyone was finally here I did the attendance. Once everyone was attended for I started the lesson.

"Ok class, we are going to be studying improper and proper pronouns." I said. Everyone groaned.

"Wow, very eager." I said sarcastically and started teaching. I was going on and on about improper and proper pronouns. Once I get teaching I don't stop, it's just so exciting. When I got to the last part of my lesson I was cut off by the bell. People were standing up.

"Hold on. I dismiss the class, the bell doesn't." I said and people sat back down.

"Ok. Everyone take one of these papers, this will be your homework. It's due tomorrow." I said and passed around the papers. Everyone took one and then they made their way out of my class, just in time for my second period class.

I taught the same thing to every class except for my advanced class, they watched a movie, they watched "The Hunger Games" everyone was extremely excited but there was a reason why I'm having them watch it. We are going to compare it to the holocaust after we watch the movie. We already have learned about the holocaust so it's going to be easy to compare them.

Once lunch time hit I called Paris. She answered on the first ring.

"Hello, Ryan, why did you call me? Is everything alright?" She asked.

"Yes, everything is fine, I just wanted to know how Jackson and Angel were doing." I said.

"Oh, they're right here, do you want to talk to them?"

"Yes." I said very excitedly. She handed them the phone and they answered.

"Hello my lovelies." I said.

"Hello daddy." I hear them say. She must have them on speaker.

"How are you guys doing?" I asked.

"Gooood." They said.

"That's good, be a good boy and girl for daddy alright?"

"Alright." They said.

"Ok, I have to go now, I love you guys." I said.

"I love you too daddy." They said at the same time. The phone went silent and I could tell they hung up.

I miss my kids, I thought. I want to see them and wrap them in my arms and I want to do the same to Skylar.

I texted Skylar since I knew she was on her lunch break as well.

"Hey baby." I texted.

"Hey babe." She said.

"Guess what?"

"What?" She asked and I sent her a picture of myself.

"I'm hard for you" I said

"Mmm. Gues what babe?" She asked.


"I'm wet for you." She said and she sent me a picture, just like I had done.

"Good." I said.

"I can't wait until later ;)"

"Same. But the bell is going to ring and I have to hide my boner so good bye sweet heart."

"Good bye."

The bell is going to ring in 5 minutes. Ok. Think of something gross Ryan.

Grandma in a bikini, grandma in a bikini, grandma in a bikini. I soon felt the tightness in my pants go down. Oh thank god, just in time too.

The bell rung and I taught my last class. Once I had finished teaching I realized that I didn't have to 'tutor' Kylie. I raced home and fucked my wife.
Kylie's POV:

I ran home to make my mothers time limits. I ran inside and met my mother.

"You're twenty seconds late." She said. Her voice was slurred. I could tell she had been drinking.

"I'm sorry ma'am." I said. I realized that I didn't run fast enough, oh my god, I'm going to get it hard.

"Sorry is not good enough." She said and she punched me. My face now hurt as I lie on the ground crying.

"Stop sobbing and get your sorry ass in the kitchen and do your chores." She said. I obeyed her and did the dishes, and she walked in.

"You have 15 minutes to clean the dishes, sweep the floors and clean the bathroom and if you don't make the time you won't get food and you'll be sleeping outside once again." I knew I couldn't make her time limits, 15 minutes is not enough time, but I'll try. I haven't ate anything for three days because of her time limits, I'm used to sleeping outside like a dog but this time I could tell it would be different.

"Yes ma'am." I said and I cleaned so fast it felt like my fingers were falling off. I washed and dried the dishes, I sweeped the floors and I cleaned the bathroom. I made my way to her and she told me my time.

"25 minutes and 17 seconds, no food for you. Go outside now." She said. I looked outside and it was raining.

"But it's raining." I said.

"Boo hoo. Outside NOW!!" She yelled. I ran outside and laid down in the grass like I normally did.

Why can't I have a family who loves me? Why can't I just have someone who loves me? Why can't I have a person like Mr. Dunn? He's so nice and caring to his family. I'm so jealous of his wife 'Skylar'.

Why me? I thought before I finally fell asleep in the rain.

*book 2* The Not-So Fabulous Life Of Skylar DunnWhere stories live. Discover now