Chapter 8

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Kylie's POV:

The cold air woke me up. It was still dark out. I looked inside my house to find the time. 2:15am, the clock on the stove read. I soon backed away from the door knowing I would probably get caught by, Alex. Alex is my sister, she is the queen in the family, mother loves her and I'm just an outcast, I'm not even apart of the family. I'm their puppet.

I knew mother would be gone with her 'guy' for the night, she usually always is. I looked back inside the house. Well, I'm not going to risk it, I thought.

I walked around town thinking of what shit my life has turned into. I went to the school and slept outside by the doors. It has some warmth coming from the inside of the building.

I soon woke up when I felt the sun rays on my face. I tried to look inside for the time. I couldn't see anything. I just sat and waited for Mr.Dunn to come and open the doors so I could do my daily routine.

After what seems like forever Mr.Dunn finally showed up.

"Nice seeing you again Mrs. Anderson." He said as he opened the door. I soon followed him inside and went to the girls locker room to get a shower, there were showers down there and I always take one before school. I also have extra clothes in here so I can get changed. I got dressed and I took my bookbag and yes I keep my book bag at school, so I wouldn't have to worry about mother or Alex going through it, and then I went to Mr. Dunn's class, since I have him for first period.

I made my way to my desk and started on my homework. I soon finished before the bell rung.

"We have our tutor session again today." Mr.Dunn said.

"Ok." Was all I said. I really wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. I put my hood up on my jacket and laid my head down and I soon fell asleep.

I soon heard tapping by me. "Mrs. Anderson, if you are going to sleep in my class then you have to make it not as noticable." Mr. Dunn said to me.

"I'm sorry sir, I'll get out of your class and move on to second period." I said as tears were pouring out of my face, reminding me of what happened last night.

"No. It's lunch time." He said.

"What?! You kept me here that long, I'm going to fail my other classes." I said as more tears were coming out of my eyes.

"I'm sorry, but you have to learn the hard way." Mr. Dunn said.

"I'm sick and tired of learning the hard way." I said and ran out of his classroom and down the hallway. I could hear Mr.Dunn behind me telling me to come back but I didn't. I made my way out of the school and ran up the street. I ran and ran and ran until I couldn't run anymore. I stopped and had a break down in the street.

"Why me?!." I yelled looking up to the sky at a 'God' that doesn't exist.

"Why do I have to suffer? Huh, arent you supposed to save me from danger? You are putting me in danger everyday. Ugh. I hate you. I hate myself. I just want to die." I yelled furiously at the sky. Hoping lightning would strike me down and kill me already.

I made my way to the bridge and looked down seeing how far up I was. There was rocks and other hard minerals that would kill me on an impact. I thought about jumping. I got on the ledge of the bridge and held on the the light pole next to it. I looked down and shut my eyes. I felt like letting go. When I felt someone grab me and pull me back away from the bridge. The strong man carried me in his arms and set me down on a bench across the street. He looked into my eyes and his blue eyes had me melting.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked.

"Killing myself. What does it look like I'm doing?" I asked

"Why?" He asked sounding concerned.

I soon told him everything about me and about my family and what they do. I told him EVERYTHING.

"My name is Chris, if you have any problems, call me." He said and wrote his phone number down on my arm.

"My name is Kylie." I told him.

"Such a pretty name." He said.

"Thank you." I said and blushed.

"Look, just give me a call or text me and we can go out sometime. You know to get your mind off of things." He said.

"Ok." I said and walked away. I ran home and had to deal with my mother once again. But this time I got food. I made her time limit and I was happy about it.

*book 2* The Not-So Fabulous Life Of Skylar DunnTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon