Chapter 13

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Everything happened so fast. The car spinning, the kids silent as a cold winters night.

I'm standing in the middle of the road. Visiting the same place the car crash happened. Where Jackson died, where Angel was in a coma. Everything happened so fast, I couldn't comprehend anything at that moment. I just sit and stare. Replaying the horrible memories in my head. I'm about to leave, still looking where I crashed into that car, making my car spin and then crash into the telephone pole. I run towards my car, a few feet away, feeling as if something might happen, when I see it. The 2 bright lights. I run faster trying to get into my car, I turn my head to see where the car is. It's getting closer.....

"Sky wake up, you have to go to work." I hear someone say. I wake up and I see Ryan. He's on the floor in the living room. I must've fallen asleep on the couch. I sit up and I rub my head, trying to get that dream out of my head. Ryan notices' and asks if everything's alright. I said everything's fine and then went up stairs. I went into the bathroom and did my makeup and hair. I looked in the mirror. The dream was still in my head. It was like it was on autopilot and it was just replaying, over and over again.

"It's ok Skylar, just chill. Don't be paranoid." I told myself.

After I was finished with everything I got dressed and then went to work. I asked if Ryan could take Angel over to Paris' house, I don't like to drive with her in the car anymore. Something might happen and I don't want to lose her.

I arrived at my job in 15 minutes. Luke greeted me and I went into my office. Luke went into his office and made some phone calls. He's the owner of this building. He makes phone calls each and every day. I missed a lot of work because I was worried about Angel and Luke understood. I took 2 months off of work because I was a worried mess. Ryan on the other hand couldn't. He had to work so we could make our payments on time. I wish he could've but he couldn't. Plus he wanted to work. He wanted to go and take his mind off of things. He liked to be strong for me but sometimes it's ok to fall apart.

I sat in my chair and I was just thinking for who knows how long. It must've been a long time because Luke came in and told me to get to work. Even though he's my friend. He can still be a tough guy when he wants to.

I couldn't concentrate all day and I think Luke noticed it too. He called me into his office and we had a talk. He asked me how everything was going and I told him everything. About Angel seeing Jackson even though he's dead. Damn, she's lucky. I want to see Jackson but I can't. He's dead, he's out of my life and I have to except that. I didn't even realize I was crying until Luke came up to me and wiped a tear from my cheek.

"It's going to be ok Sky. Don't worry, everything will become better for you. You'll be able to see him, you just have to believe." Luke said.

"Ok." Was all I said, I didn't really want to have this conversation with him at this moment. I got out of the seat in his office and made my way towards the door.

"Oh and Sky." He said one last time.


"Can my boyfriend and I come over, just like good old times? Plus it might help you not think about it as much." Luke asked.

"Sure." I said and made my way back to my office. I called Ryan and told him Luke was coming over. He seemed happy about it. I set the phone back down and went back to work when Luke came in and told me to take the rest of the day off. I was happy but shocked.

I packed my things up and went home. I went to my bedroom and I took a nap until Ryan got home.

Once Ryan was home I cleaned the house so Luke and his boyfriend would feel more welcome. Once I was finished with that I called Paris and asked her how Angel was doing, she said Angel was doing great. I told her that I will pick her up in a couple of minutes. I decided I should get over my fear of driving with her in the car. I'll have to do it some day so why not now. Ryan asked if I was sure and I told him I was.

25 minutes later. I picked up Angel from Paris' house. Once we arrived at our home Luke and his boyfriend were already there.

Angel and I walked in and Luke greeted us. He picked Angel up and gave her a big hug. She was very confused. She doesn't remember Luke. Luke was there when she was born but other than that she has not seen him. Luke set her down once he noticed she was getting uncomfortable. Luke greeted himself and his boyfriend to her so she would know who they were. She seemed welcoming after Luke introduced himself and his boyfriend, Chase to her.

Ryan ordered pizza and we ate it all. We were watching tv, sort of. Angel was watching tv while some of us were on our phones. And by some of us I mean all except for Chase and I. I was actually quite interested in watching spongebob with Angel. She seems like she likes it a bit more. I'm glad because I love spongebob, I find it funny.

After the episode of spongebob it was 9:15 pm. I sent Angel up to her room and she fell asleep instantly. I'm guessing she had a long day at Paris' house.

Luke and Chase went home to have some 'guy time' as they put it but I understood what the meant by it. Ryan and I went up to our room and cuddled while watching tv. I fell asleep with my head on his chest.

*book 2* The Not-So Fabulous Life Of Skylar DunnWhere stories live. Discover now