Chapter 14

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*1 year later*

Everything seemed to be going good. Angel stopped seeing Jackson. Ryan got a raise at work and we celebrated. I still think about Jackson. He was such an amazing son. I wish I could just see him and hold him one last time.

I woke up with a strange feeling, then I remembered. Today is the one year anniversary of Jackson's death. I felt a rush of sadness go through me like a bullet.

I woke Ryan up and told him that it was the one year anniversary of the car crash. He looked at me with a sad expression and then he just kissed me. He told me everything was going to be alright. I felt a bit better.

I told Ryan what I was planning on doing today. He asked if he should go. I told him that he should and we would drop Angel off at Maia's house. He said he would be fine with it.

I called Maia and asked her if she could watch Angel today for a little bit. Maia said she could and I felt happier. I really didn't want Angel to be there when Ryan and I would be visiting the place where Jackson died. It would be so emotional.

We would be such a mess. I don't want Angel to see us like that.

A couple of minutes later we drove Angel over to Maia's house. After we drove to Maia's house we went to the place I got in that damn car crash.

We soon reached the place and I got out of the car. Ryan wanted to stay in the car because he wanted to remain strong for me. I pushed and pushed for him to come with me but he wouldn't do it. He sad it would be too overwhelming for him. So I stopped pushing. I made my way out of the car and walked over to the slightly dented telephone pole. I said my prayers. Tears were streaming down my face. I started walking back to Te car, when I saw it.

*book 2* The Not-So Fabulous Life Of Skylar DunnWhere stories live. Discover now