Chapter 10

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Kylie's POV:

I woke up and I felt weird. I tried moving but there were arms around me. I'm so confused. What happened last night? I asked myself.

I rolled over and saw Chris. He was sleeping only in his boxers. Oh my god. What happened? I began panicking.

I slapped his face and he woke up.

"Woah there tiger calm down, why did you slap me?" Chris asked confused.

"What the hell happened last night?" I asked, wiggling a finger in his face.

"You were in the park and you were sleeping on a park bench and so I came and took you to my place and you cried for hours about your family and then you fell asleep." He said.

"That's all that happened?" I asked, just to make sure.

"Yes." He said.

"Thank god." I said and made my way out of his bed.

"Why? What did you think happened?" He asked.

"You don't want to know." I told him but I was looking at the ground. I hadn't noticed that he was standing right in front of me. He picked me up and held me close to his waist. He walked until my back hit the wall.

"I would never do anything inappropriate, unless you were ok with it." He said and set me back down.

"Ok." I said, a little shocked as to what he just did.

He walked away and got dressed inside of his closet, I don't need to get dressed because I will at school. I quickly looked at the time and saw that it was 5:30am. I have to leave now if I'm going to make it to school before everyone else.

"Goodbye Chris." I said as I made my way out of his front door. I didn even give him a chance to say goodbye back to me.

I made my way to school and I looked inside for the time. 5:55am, it read.

Great. I have five minutes until Mr.Dunn comes and let's me inside.

I waited and waited, that five minutes seemed like forever. He made his way up to were I was.

"Hello, Mrs. Anderson." He greeted me and let me inside the building. I went to the girls locker room, as usual, and got dressed. I was soon finished and I brushed my hair and teeth while I was at it.

I made my way up to Mr. Dunns classroom and I did my school work.

"Why don't you do your work at home?" He asked me.

"I don't have enough time." I told him, I wasn't lying to him. I just didn't tell him the whole truth. It was true, I don't have enough time. I don't even make mothers time limits for my chores.

"Oh." Was all he said before he started writing down the lesson plans for the day.

Right before the bell rung I finished my homework for all of my classes. People soon started making there way inside the classroom. I just sat there like I usually do, with my head down.

A couple of minutes into the lesson Mr. Dunns phone rang. He picked it up and he looked at the time. I could see the fear in his eyes as he was talking to who ever he was talking to. He soon slammed his phone down and ran out of the classroom. The principle came in and told us that Mr. Dunn had an emergency.
Ryans POV:

Oh my god, I hope they're ok, I thought as I drove to the hospital. I soon arrived at the hospital and ran inside to see my wife on the floor crying. I picked her up and held her close to me.

"Baby, what happened?" I asked her in a soothing voice.

"I was driving the kids over to Paris' house and they were arguing so I turned around for a second to tell them to stop so I can concentrate on driving and a car hit us." She said, tears streaming down her face.

"What else happened?" I asked again.

"I sat there shocked and then I heard silence. I got out of the car and I checked on the kids. Angel had a bloody nose and Jackson wasn't breathing. I looked and the other car wasn't there. I drove to the hospital and called you on the way. After awhile of waiting here by myself the doctor came and said Jackson didn't make it. Angel is in a coma. Ryan it's all my fault." She said and cried into my arms. I felt so bad, why does everything bad always have to happen to Skylar. Why can't she have something good happen?

"It's not your fault sweetie. I'm very sorry you have to go through this though. I wish I could help, but I don't know how." I said, tears were forming in my eyes but I blinked them away so I could remain strong for Sky.

"I'm sorry I brought you into my horrible life. I understand if you want to get a divorce since I killed our children." She said. I flipped her around so I could look at her.

"Skylar Dunn. You are the love of my life I would never divorce you. I love you with all of my heart and I want to be with you forever. This is just another obstacle that God wants us to go through." I said and held her close to me at the same time.

"I love you Ryan." She finally said.

"I love you too baby girl." I said and kissed her forehead. "We will get through this together." I said as we still sit in the middle of the hospital floor crying.

We will get through this, we will get through this, we will get through this. I said to myself so I can remain strong for Sky.

*book 2* The Not-So Fabulous Life Of Skylar DunnWhere stories live. Discover now