Chapter 12

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Ryan and I went to the hospital the next day and we spent more time with Angel. We did our usual visit and then went home. The next day we were able to take Angel home. We were very excited to have her back at home again. It's been 2 months since she's been here and I was happy to bring her home. We got home and she ran inside and she looked very happy to be home.

"Mommy can I have some food, I'm hungry." She asked with pleading eyes. She looked very hungry and I'm sure hospital food wasn't all the great for her, especially since she's only 3.

"Yes you can. What do you want?" I asked.

"Macaroni and cheese." She said.

"Ok." I love that my children love macaroni and cheese. I'm just happy that my children like the same food I do or did when I was their age.

I cooked macaroni and cheese and Angel and Ryan and I had lunch together. It tasted so good.

After lunch we cleaned up our mess and then we went to the living room to watch tv. We watched spongebob because that's what Angel wanted to watch. I don't really know why because she doesn't like spongebob that much.

"Brother wants to watch spongebob, mommy tell him he can't, I want to watch Mickey Mouse." I looked at her in shock.

"What?" I asked.

"Brother, he wants to watch spongebob." She said again and I just looked at her. Tears were forming in my eyes.

"Listen, Angel, Jackson isn't here. He died in the car crash sweetie." I said as I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"No!, mom, he's right here." She said and pointed to a spot next to her.

"No he isn't. Jackson died." I said again.

"What ever. I'm going up to my room." She said and then made her way to her room.

Ryan and I talked about Angel and what she is going through. Is she imagining things? Is Jackson really there but in ghost form? I don't know. These questions are never answered. This is the thing I hate about not being able to see what others see, I don't know what is actually happening and that scares me. It scares the living hell out of me.

*book 2* The Not-So Fabulous Life Of Skylar DunnWhere stories live. Discover now