Family of Darkness, Part 2

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"What? What lead did you get?" I asked Satori.

"Well... It's about those meetings that Koishi had been attending! It was that little prick Rumia who planned them! All of them!"

"Whoa, Rumia? Did you have any proof of it?"

"I'm lucky I... Stole one of your cameras at one time." She showed me a camera that I lost months ago.

"Give it back, let me see it."

I tapped into the gallery to see Rumia, in her usual T pose, with her hands holding those of the missing children... The thing that's wrong is, that the childrens' eyes are all black with a tiny red dot in the center.

"This... This is..."

"I've overheard what they said too, they're... Gonna cover Gensokyo in an eternal night, where the sun would never shine on us!"

"Where's Koishi right now?"

"She's already in custody at the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Remilia and her maid is having troubles locking her up in one of the rooms."

"I'll go talk to Koishi. Satori, inform the human village to evacuate towards the manor or the Moriya Shrine."

"Got it. I'll go as fast as I can with Orin and Okuu."

With that she ran off. I flew with Momiji towards the mansion, and looked for the room where Koishi is kept.

I knocked on the door, and it's shutter slid open.

"Oh, Aya. Are you here to free me?"

"No, just questions, Koishi."

"Questions? Go ahead... I'm already of no use to them anyways." Koishi chuckled.

"Is it true that Rumia wants to engulf Gensokyo in a world of eternal night?!"

"What's the problem with that? Humans have been loathing us because of fear, and believed that they are safe in the light... We want to revolt. That's all."

"Not all humans are like that, Koishi! What about Sanae? Reimu? Or even Hijiri!?"

"They're still humans, and all humans did sins no matter how good they are."

"You know ruling over them made no difference, Koishi. Now tell me, where are they going to strike next? Or what are they planning right now?"

"They are... Assembling deep inside the Forest of Magic. Forget it, Aya. As long as they are in the dark, you can't defeat them."

"How did you get those children on your side?"

"Hihihi~ simple. I merely baited them into the forest at night, and Rumia ate their bodies. I learned this spell, that would enslave souls that just died. They can only be dispersed if they are hit with enough light, or if their darkside appeased."

"You're going too far, the two of you, Koishi!"

"Two of us??? Sorry, but there are 3 of us."

"3? Who is this third person you spoke of, then!?"

"I've answered enough questions. Now leave, and witness as Gensokyo sinks in eternal darkness."

She laughed maniacally, and closed the shutter. I left the mansion, to see Momiji in front of the gates.

"So? What did she tell you?"

"There's a third person in their meetings, but she won't tell us. Momiji, we need to inform Reimu, Yukari, and whoever is strong enough, to group up."

"Why? Is something going to happen?"

"Yeah. And it's bad... Real bad."

I widened my eyes as I see the sky suddenly turn from blue into black, and the sun is replaced with a moon.

"Now, let's go."

- To Be Continued

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