Family Of Darkness - End

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"Aya, I couldn't believe it! The Mastermind of this whole thing was actually right under our noses!" Satori shouted.

"I should've known it... Is there any way so we can turn Gensokyo back into normal!? I'm running out of pitch for my torch!"

"Head back inside and talk to Patchouli. Maybe she knows how to restore all of this mess."

"Good idea, Satori. You girls, take care of your mistress, OK?"

Both Orin and Okuu nodded.

I ran inside the mansion and towards the library. Inside, is a weeping Remilia, with Patchouli comforting her.

"She regretted treating Flandre like that, you know? Being locked in for hundreds of years and all." Patchouli told me.

"And now she's going to bring more harm... Perhaps as revenge to all human beings and Youkai alike? Is there any way to bring the light back to this land?"

"Hold on, I'm sure that Flandre found that accursed book here..." Patchouli groaned as she checks the bookshelves until she finds a big, red book.

"What's that?"

"Just some old stuff, dating back to the middle ages and all..."

She opened the book and flipped through the pages until she stopped at the glance of a drawing of a sun.

"Found it. Gather these items for me, will you? I shall prepare my utensils..."

She gave me a list. A sunflower, some pitch, and some other items.

"I've got some of the pitch, but it's for my torch."

"Then get some sunflowers out there. I remember the rest of the other items are stored here in the mansion. And quick, Aya, before Flandre kills us all."

I flew out of one of the windows with my dimly lit torch, north towards Yuuka's flower fields.

Yuuka is nowhere nearby. I hope she's Ok...

Most of the sunflowers have withered due to the extreme cold and lack of sunlight, except for one.

It's as if Lady luck favored me! This sunflower already bloomed, despite the dark surroundings!

I stealthily flew back to the mansion's library, and gave Patchouli the sunflower.

"Alright, let me set everything up..."

A few minutes later...

"It's done!" She hands me a spell card.

"A spell card?"

"Give this to a fairy and let them use it. This spell card's ability is to shoot a bright Ray of light, with a little bit of pure energy used in exorcisms."

"Alright then."

"Wait. If said fairy used this, then they'll most likely die."

"What!? You should've told me sooner! Now I don't know who should I give this..."

"Try Rumia."

It's a horrible idea, but I went to her room nevertheless. Inside, is a sulking Rumia and Koishi, talking to herself.

She's already beyond saving...

"Rumia, I need your help. Use this spell card, and restore Gensokyo back to normal."

"I wish I could... But from what Satori told me... That Flandre did all this! She drained most of my energy for herself, and I can't use that card!"

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