The Darkest Hour - Chapter 2

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I still can't wrap my head around this. Who is the 3rd person who started all this?

I decided to just think of that later as I reached the Hakurei Shrine. It's completely dark, and the only light I see is coming from the inside, from a candle.

Inside is Momiji, tending to both Reimu and Yukari.

"How are they?"

"Still no signs of waking up, but they can still breathe." Momiji looked down.

"Rinnosuke was murdered. I still can't wrap my head around that."

"Maybe you should check the battlefield where they battled Rumia?"

"Good idea, Momiji. I'll be off then."

I walked slowly towards the former battlefield, to see a familiar figure lying on the ground.


"Please... Help me..."

It was Rumia, begging for help. Her face had been punched over and over and her right eye is closed shut. Her right arm also appears to be dislocated.

"What happened? Where's your army?"

"I don't know... What I remember is that someone knocked me out, and chanted a spell so that the children would listen to their commands... I have no more power over them."


"Are you... Going to forgive me? I mean, I already lost my dominant right arm... And caused all this... I was just trying to make Youkai... More respected."

"I forgive you."

"Turn me in if you want... Aya, I can't fight anymore."

I grabbed her hand, and lifted her up on my back. I flew her over to the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

"Oh yeah... Rumia, did you murder Rinnosuke?"

"No... I got knocked out a few minutes after that battle, I don't murder him."

I brought her to the room where Koishi was in, unlocked it with the key I borrowed from Sakuya, and put her inside, before going back out and locking the door.

"Hey, What're you in for?" Koishi asked sarcastically.

"Shut up." Rumia replied annoyingly.

I went to the library to see Flandre reading alone.


"Yeah, Aya?"

"Is there anything that you want to tell me?"

"I don't know... Everyone is not safe after what happened."

"I don't know what to say anymore either, Flan." I sighed.

I decided to take a little nap, and after a few minutes I heard Satori's voice.

"Wake up, Aya."

"Satori...? What is it?"

"We need to deal with this culprit. And fast, but out of all things I've seen, you're napping!?"

"Heh, looks like Yukari's habits passed over to me."

"Very funny. But now shall we go? To Kourindou, I mean."


"Because Rinnosuke was crucified there, before being brought to the village center to be displayed."

- To Be Continued

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