Orochi x Quon

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(I made the pic for this one😜)

   Quon's P.O.V:

I'm skateboarding home when I hear a yell from the park. So as any curious person would I checked  it out and saw three boys ganging up on small boy with dreads. "Give them back!" The boy said trying to grab whatever the bully had out of his  hands. "Whatcha gonna do huh?" One of the bullies asked him punching him in the facing causing him to fall. "HEY CUT IT OUT!" I say running towards them. "Or what?" The leader asked turning towards me. I now can see what the boy was reaching for; headphones. They tower over me but I can't just leave that kid with them. He looks at me with a busted lip. One of them pick him up by his shirt and punch him again this time leaving his eye black. Anger is surging through me. They can't just beat on him like that. "I SAID CUT IT OUT!" I yell at them. "You see this." One of the bullies says showing the boy his headphones. "Well they'er a piece of shit. But here I'll help you with em." He says snapping them in half. Now I am filled with rage. "THATS IT!" I yell and punch one of the bullies out. The second one throws a blow at me I dodge and kick him in the back leaving him groaning on the ground.  'Looks like all those martial arts classes with Xander paid off' .I think to myself. "HEY! Karate Kid!" I hear the leader's voice behind me. He has a knife to the boys neck. "One more step and your boyfriend goes bye bye." He says to me. I blush at the thought of that boy as my boyfriend. I see fear and terror  in his eyes. "Why are you doing this?" I ask seething with anger. "Cuz its fun. This dude is so easy to pick on he's so.......Pathetic. " He says holding the boys face up with his hand. The Leader looks at me. "You know I could kill him right here." He says. The boys eyes widen and he starts to squirm. "Hold still you little Pussy!" The leader yells at him. But the boy starts screaming. "Thats it you little shit." He says raising the knife. I take my chance and catch his arm before he stabs the boy. I twist his arm and kick his back leaving him on the ground with his little buddies. I look at the boy whos on the ground with his broken headphones in hands. "Are you okay?" I ask. "Those were from my dad." He murmured. I look at them they aren't broken that bad. 'Maybe ukyo could fix them.' I look at his eye and lip. They look pretty bad. But  nothing Xander's grandpa can't fix. "Come on." I say taking his hand I blush and so does he but we both don't say anything. I walk him to Xander's house (we avoid all the traps) and I find out his names Orochi ginba and hes a blader. By the time we get to xander's dojo we're laughing and talking. I take him to see ukyo. "Hey ukyo!" I yell. Ukyo drops from the ceiling. "Hi quon whats up." He says walking towards me. "My friend orochi here needs his headphones fixed." I explain as he examines them. "Yeah I can fix them I just need time."  He says walking away. I take orochi to xander's grandpa. "Thats a nasty eye you got there good thing you came to me for this." He says. Hes about to take orochi in his docter room. "Wait Quon will you please stay with me?" He asks. I blush but nod. I hold his hand the whole time. By the time Xander's grandpa was done with him Ukyo was done fixing orochi's headphones. "It was pretty easy. He says. Giving them to Orochi whose in awe. "I'd better get home." Orochi says to me. "Thanks for your help." He says to ukyo and me. Hes about to leave when he turns around and gives me an unexpected hug. "Thank you." He whispers in my ear. He kisses me on  the cheek and walks briskly away.....blushing and smiling. I stand there rubbing my cheek where he kissed it blushing. Ukyo smirks "Your drooling lover boy." He says walking off. I shut my mouth and watch orochi walk home. I run after him and catch up with him. "Wait." I say panting. "Let me walk you home in case they try to ambush you again." He smiles. "Okay." We walk in awkward silence. "I have to ask who were those boys who were bullying you." He looks  down. "My ex and his best friends." I'm shocked. "He was abusive so I left him but after that he just kept bullying me." I hold his hand and squeezing. "You know....If you were mine you wouldn't have to worry about them." I say to him. He looks at me and blushes. "I mean it." I tell him. He smiles and hugs me. "I don't want to put you through that." I hold both of his hands."I don't care. I'd take out 100 of those guys for you." I say. Then I kiss him. After oxygen became a problem He looked at me and laughed. "Fine I guess so it seems you don't take no for an answer." I smile and hug him. "This is my house." He says pointing. I kiss him one more time and he leaves. And I smile all the way to the dojo. "What are you so happy about?" Xander asked me. "Nothing Just in a really good mood I guess."I say. Ukyo rolls his eyes and shakes his head. "Okay..." Yugo said. I dance all the way home.

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