What a horrifying night?

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Well she's back your average teenager , unlike any other teenager im more like an investigator but stuck in the first form more as i could be stuck in my final form if that makes any sense. Well shit it's a dragon ball reference but i doubt you would understand. So the story may continue unless the story's over but it might take you back to the title page if you don't catch on to that reference your a complete dumbass. Well let's rewind or dont or keep moving fast forward or being like me and being stuck in a time vault reality where you just see whats going to happen instead of predicting on whats going to happen. Well enough of that let's get back to my story. So as i entered my first day of school after getting off the train i walked into my first class classroom B , and of course as i look around to find a good seat , i felt so many stares that exiled on my face as i was about to sit down. Luckily the teacher came in , she went by Harucha kamoto. That was such a classy name but it was something i never heard but it was quite unique . As the first day of school started , i blantly blanked out and i couldn't help but think about everything that went down last night , and literally thought of the worse that could have happened if i didnt leave earlier than it could have gone. So many emotions went through my mind it felt like a time machine but it's going forward instead of backwards . Then I heard a name call my name and it was the teacher , as she stood in front of me she had a mean glare on her face her teeth was very crooked and her hair was very much fuzzy like she woke up on the wrong side of the bed , and had a very bad smell to her like she hasnt showered in days . Boy i tell you the stench that was on her. She briefly looked at me and said Miss what is your name . I briefly responded my name is "Alexandra. Then she asked me  to introduce myself to the class and she told me to say where I'm  from , and what's my  career after I  graduate. Then as i got up and walked to the front of the class , and had literally billions of stares directed towards to me. "I briefly stated im from California , i moved here because my parents found a better job , and better money and after i graduate i want to go into criminology because i love to investigate like my parents." Alright thank you the teacher said. Then shortly after that, after she gave us her lecture for the day . I went home and looked outside to see if that guy was in his home. Huh detective right " literally breaking into someone's home without an invitation . Then i took my wallet out and got my card and swiped it through the lock and luckily there were no alarms , it was safe for now. As i briefly looked inside his house i went to the kitchen for finger prints to see if their could be anything on the knifes and I look on the counters and floors to see if there were any blood stains on the tile and the carpet . I took my phone out and took pictures of everything that was in his house , and briefly moved upstairs. As i came across the corner there it was his room , luckily that was unlocked too. I was thinking to myself So many unlocked doors but no lock doors , touche. After that i went into his room and it was just an ordinary guys room , with dirty clothes on the floor , cigarettes near the window ceiling and a game console with lots of weed hanging out the sockets of it. What a bitch he is" I still haven't found anything leading to him with blood on his clothes last night down in his basement . Then i turned to the closet to see if their were any bloody clothes in there , but everything was clean and it was hanging up . I thought to myself " Oh wow now this is just ridiculous dirty clothes on the floor but everything is clean now this is just preposterous. After awhile i heard a car outside the house and it was him , i grabbed my book-bag and the photos i recently captured with my phone and ran out the back and went to my house locked the door and went to my room. Shit nothing makes sense in this house and im going to find out why.

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