Only time will tell?

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Welcome back I hope you missed me , the last time we were all together I broke in to a secret laboratory or facility or whatever the fuck you want to call it and I got some files and I had to run for my life to get what I needed to take this bastard down and now all I can say is can we really take him down or will he take two steps ahead of me without me knowing which we all know that is such a bad move since I have all the evidence on him now. But anyways back to the story. As I got out of my car and ran to my hotel room, and as I began to open up my book bag with the files I had grabbed earlier that day, so many words and so many pictures it was like a damn word machine. Then as I began to turn on the T.V. I then began to see a break in the facility takes scientists a turn for help. I looked at the tv thinking damn what in the actual fuck did I do? I kept thinking to myself I have these files and I have all of this evidence and to now analyze and go piece by piece about this guy and everything that he has done with his so called experiments,ever since I saw that dead girl in his freezer, uck that was just really sickening to see I feel so disgusted he did that to a innocent human. Will I not just get justice for myself but for that poor girls family. Ever since he saw me at my school and stopped me in the bathroom and tried to threaten me , but my family and the whole town it was just one big rouse. But honestly I feel like he's doing all this for publicity but then again I don't even know if he's human he could be a monster inside of his human form . It scares me to think what we have let in our society and is terrorizing the town. Hours after analyzing and gathering intel on this sick fuck I discovered something. I found out that he used to belong in a psych ward for about 10 years and then was transferred to a insane asylum for beating and eating a whole human , wow this guy is something sick and has to be stopped. I couldn't even believe to think what else he could have done . "Think Alexandra " so why would he be in my neighborhood greeting me and playing the nice guy... no that can't be he playing this false persona and pretending to be someone he's not. There are so many things going on with this guy that isn't just adding up. Why would he show up the day I move into a new town why would he have blood on his clothes in the middle night , why would he have abandoned house in the middle of kno where and why would he hire scientists and have a full on lab with security guards on sight. Hmmm all those things have concluded that he is planning something , he's planning something and idk what. Just sitting here thinking, would it be the right time to tell my parents... I know there worries about me but if I don't say something they might bring in the legal authories....sigh. So as I began to pick up the phone and call my parents , I said hey mom and dad.. on the other side of the phone they had a fear of worrisome and was very much upset. They told me where are you and I told them I'm in a hotel and I'm safe but I will be away from home for a few days I'll be back soon then I hung up. I know it wasn't right what I did but it was the only way to protect them... this isn't over though this guy or thing will be brought down and he will be served.

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