Oh my , this wont end well?

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  Oh My god its been such a long time and now you guys want to know how the story finishes right , but damn it's not over. As the cops were chasing the young man that had viciously attacked me and made me hostage in his own abandoned house. He bolted towards his backyard and the amount of speed he was going the cops weren't able to catch up to them. As the cops began to lose their breath and started to regain their speed, the cops began to ask me questions. Young lady he asked me. Yes i quickly responded. The officer wanted me to go with them to the police station and to ask me and to tell them everything that i knew about this guy. But something in my head quickly remembered what he had said. " If you tell anyone i will kill your parents , you , and the whole town dont forget that!" I then began to speak , uh i dont know if its a good idea to tell you guys anything because i dont know anything im just very scared and i dont know anything. Then the officer quickly responded if you dont know anything why were you at that house in the first place. Uhh just researching for a friend they wanted too know information about the house and why it had gave my friend an interest that's all. part of me wants to believe you young lady and part of me wants to interrogate you. But without your parents we wont interrogate you unless their is a guardian here with you. Then as i looked to my left there were my parents, and as i looked to the right i saw the guy that had kept me hostage all i saw was is head and he was in disguised. Wait how would he know i would be here, that just doesn't make any  he ran that fast, how did he get to the police station so quickly. Maybe he didn't want me to snitch on him or even tell them everything that i had knew about him , that poor innocent girl , and that abandoned old creepy house. Just thinking about it gives me the shivers. All i wanted to do is find out information about what happened to that girl and why was her body in the freezer. As much as it kills me , im going to have to tell them everything who knows how long this interrogation process is gonna take , all morning , all night , and maybe even into the next day. As soon as my parents ran up to me they gave me a big hug and began to speak. First my dad , Oh sweetheart we were so worried about you we thought you were at home but you weren't , we thought you were at school but you weren't and to come to find out you were a missing girl on the news just frightened your mother and I. Im fine dad and mom it's okay. My mom Interjects and says "Okay your okay we were worried sick don' you ever run off like that and scare us like that again , anyways why were you even at his house in the first place. Well as you all should know our neighbor the creepy one he called me and ask me to go up there i didn't know if he liked me or what im not even sure but we went up there and when he wasn't there and i went there after school to see and to find out more information because that house didn't feel right the vibe wasn't matching so i went up there and comes to find out there was a dead girl in the freezer. Oh god both my parents responded. Well now you have to get in there and tell the cops everything you know about this dude now. And with that being said shit just got real.

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