Why is shit so complicated ?

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Oh hey I thought that was you? You got back just in time for what's really about to go down , you think my friend and I are just investigating the bits and pieces it only gets worse from here from digging through files , from late night snackin and drinking up every soda can in the vending machine I think I'm a damn movie, but I'm reality I feel like the world is going to blow up in my face and honestly I'm not ready for that but honestly, is there even a normal in society any more I think tf not but anyways if you made it this far I congratulate you well hey anyways enough chitter chatter let's get back to the story. So yeah if you didn't know yeah I made a friend in my school I recently attended , I mean I still go there I just took a leave of absence for the time being I mean can students even do that , shit I guess that's just a teacher thing. Speaking of teachers I asked cal about the teacher with the grouchy mustache and the hairy ass with the lipstick , and he promptly said yeah she still there, knowing me I don't like to make fun but hey I can't say what's not true and what is and her ass being hairy and having a stench to her is definitely something I don't mis.
    It makes me sad not going to school I guess. With that being said everything that's going on with this guy and his damn followers like he's some damn pope is fucking unbelievable to me. He's going ...no he is going to get the absolute worse done to him and I can feel it on my skin , it's brewing on me. Anyways He was actually impressed with my murder board as we sit here for hours going over all the info we got on him, but we still haven't gotten deeper yet. So a couple of minutes later passed and we took a break. So Cal stood up and he looked at me and he said Alexandra I know things are rough for you right now but tell me this , I know nothing about you but here I am helping you, so while we are here and have time on our hands I mean I know it's not a lot but tell me about you I never to got to actually talk to you because you were never there..it kinda made me sad. With the words he said it all his emotions kicked in..sigh I think it was only right to tell him.. Well since like you said we are here and you like to know fine I'll tell you. So as you know I'm from the U.S. I grew up from nothing ,which no one really knows that I lived in California my whole life well San Bernardino,it was fairly nice a lot of kids the public schools were so big I sorta get lost at times but anyways.. my family we had it rough I mean sometimes we wouldn't even be able to get in to some of things we would like to do because yes if you didn't know I grew up in a small house lived with my sisters and cousins so that probably made about 16 people living in one roof , didn't really have allot of money , I think I went to one of the cheapest schools in the area, and plus my parents were just coming up , they both were still trying to earn their degrees while trying to take care of me and 16 other ppl , I mean I'm glad I'm following in their footsteps and all but I know what's best for them and for me which is to be safe , I know a lot of people don't understand that but we were broke didnt have much to put food on the table , and some of my family had to not bathe but sleep in the same bed , so yes it been hard but I'm in a much better place  now and so are they.. "With cal in a shock of words" Oh my gosh you must have had a hard time , damn I'm sorry I've lives in Shibuya my entire life so I know what you mean I mean you know what I mean if you get what I'm saying , basically what I'm trying to say is is that I'm sorry you went though that. With a laugh of joy I said Cal it's fine I get what your saying. Now can we please get back to the murder board or whatever you call this thing,"damn just thinking to myself , he actually cares so is that why he's going so hard out of his way to help me ...I don't know so many questions to ask myself . So Cal said "okay Alex can I call you Alex , fuck it Imma just call you Alex so if we know we're not just up against him but a damn horde of villains we're going to have to stay up on guard, which means we are going to have to stay close together in order to beat this thing, we will put him down and we will get justice the system in the police are doing the best they Can with some of the info you already gave them so you , I mean we should be fine for the most part. Okay as I started talking I briefly said okay we know he has a security lockdown system and there's no way in accessing it , I was thinking maybe we can try to go back to his house where his so called experiment was at because who knows maybe he has more to that house than you actually saw that night. Just look , so that night you saw him with blood on his clothes right so it's only right to say that's what he wanted you to see. It's like a joint reality or a like a joint illusion. Cal english please.. okay damn okay basically what I'm saying his maybe he's just messing with your mind maybe he's using some type of spell or some type of drug on you because think about it he's got you going crazy...think about it you had sex with this dude for crying out loud..you snuck into his other home when he wasn't there , you even snuck into a god damn facility for crying out loud.. so..so.. your basically saying he's towing with me , in English terms yes I think he is towing with you. I then said okay cal I think your the one going crazy that can't be actually theory can it ? Because think about it do you think he was actually there went everything went to shit at the school a week or two ago..do you truly believe that was real. Cal yes I do...what do you think he's been working on. Well according to my studies I find it very odd he just picked you as a subject or I would like to call experiments , so that day when he was sketching you maybe it was a reason to why he was doing that , did you ever think of that .. his so called experiments I think he takes diffrent girls , women probably even children and kill them and cut them up that's probably as to why you saw blood or saw that girl in the freezer because I think he just uses the girls to get what he wants and wants he's done  just throw you away just like how he did the other girl and then another theory I have is also that his cult members are probably recruiting young girls into coming with them as themselves and later realize their experiments... cool right? No never cool none of this makes sense but your reasoning and your theory could match up of what I have been reasearching. But cal I do have to say I'm sorry for yelling at you before. Alex I know your stressed out and you want this to be over but I'm in the same boat so do I , so just try to go back to school and try to act normal. I'm sorry but I can't go back , it's just not right..we have to stop him... and with that being tha we continued to  research day and night and got tired so in the end we started to doze off to sleep.

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