On the road to the truth?

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      After everything that went down hours ago, I got in my car and began to start driving. My exact words " Oh shit this fucker is crazier than I thought he would have been not only was I right about his name, but he has a damn cult what is he organization thirteen. This shit is beyond me". As I began to say that to myself , I stopped at the nearest hotel got out of the car and asked if I can get a room for a couple of nights, and as they gave me my room key and my room number. I grabbed my stuff from the trunk and went inside. I then began to turn on the T.V. and what do you know all of the media is reporting live from my damn school about that blackout that happened earlier today. This is some Gotham ass shit , where does he think he's gonna go with all this being the ruler of some damn Asylum hell no, I am definitely not letting that happen. So as I opened my laptop and try to piece some of the evidence I have already , it was definitely harder to pin point these coordinates to this lab . Well for one if I know this lab is at a secret remote location, then maybe we can find out between his abandoned house and where he was running too , when the cops chased after him a couple of days ago. So maybe its somewhere outside of the city. So I began to take out my map I brought with me and I layed it out on the bed. So if my information is correct if I already know where his house is maybe his lab could be on yester road, twenty minutes out from shibuya. It would only makes sense , since that's where my parents drove by when we first entered the city. Well I guess that's where imma have to go . But wait since he has a cult maybe it's gonna be tight security all around the lab. So were gonna have to make this stealthy as possible. Well here goes nothing. I left the hotel, got into my car and rode out to that road I mentioned earlier. It took about twenty minutes to get there but I'm finally here. Shit it's a lot bigger in person. As I got out of the car, I crouched just to see how the set up is from the outside. I am really risking a lot to be here but I'm going to get to the bottom of what's going on and bring this psycho down from all the trouble he has caused. So as I sneaked carefully past one of the cult members since they were sleeping , I was able to get to the lab pretty quickly. I kind of forgot he has cameras but shit at this point I don't give a fuck. As I looked at the files he had on the different experiments , and looked at everything he had documented down. I saw a shadow walk left of me into the room , and it was one of the sceintists and I looked at him and began to hand signal him and I said please don't make any sounds. Then he looked at me and said what in the hell are you doing in here you have no authorization to be here. I then looked at him and said I know, he then went on and on about this is a off limits area , and we will and wont be afraid to shoot you on sight. Shit I don't care im bringing this sick bastard down , then I turned away took pictures gather up all the files put them in my backpack and moments after that the scientist turned on the alarm. And everyone began to panic. The alarm went off and said Intruder alert , intruder alert find them and kill them. With that being said I left out of there , ran as fast as I can , and went straight to my car. I didn't shit like this would just go down like that , but I got the files I needed and now I am now able to do my damn research. By getting that hotel, it wont be as easy for him to find me now I just have to explain to my parents what I did but not today though , its too risky and with that being said finally the truth shall come out freely, until next time.

The Psycho next doorHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin