The Psycho calls and things get deep!

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Congratulations if you made it this far i applaud you , and if you haven't it's sad to say you fucking suck , but if you read midway and haven't continued reading well maybe your in the middle of getting to the best parts , because ladys and gents this chapter is gonna have you out of your seat, and remember this chapter well it has a very sexual part and if you arent into that please click that back button back to the main title screen and if there are no more questions enjoy the show folks! whelp back to my story. It was a bright and early Saturday morning and the birds were chipping the sprinklers were running in the front yard and you could hear children laughing in the street , humph your typical day in Shibuya, Japan . I really must appreciate the scenery around here . In all honesty i feel like this move was the best for all of us and i really mean that . As i was walking down the street to get some fresh air and to enjoy this beautiful day my phone went off. But instead it had a no caller id and of course i ignored it , but it rang again with the same no caller id , then i ignored it again and it kept calling so after that i finally picked up the phone and i answered "who is this". On the other line a voice responded "You know who the fuck this is" And im like well unfortunately to burst your bubble i dont know who you are so how did you get this number " . They responded and said Im going to hurt your family if you dont listen to me and listen to me good".  I said "My family is this some sort of joke are you some sort of psycho. And the voice said what do you think. At the tone of his voice i was really scared , was it ok to tell my parents , was it ok to go to the police all those options in my head and im wondering if i shouldn't do any of those and just listen to my heart.

Then i responded "ok fine im listening". The voice briefly said come to this address im about to send you and to come alone , if you try and tricks not only you but your family , your neighbors , and your classmates will get the ultimate sacrifice . Then i said ok , ok , freak. Then he said meet me here at midnight and come alone and after that he hung up the phone and all you can hear on the other side was the phone beeping. In my head im wondering what in the actual fuck was that. Could it be that guy i went and searched his house a couple of nights ago . Shit it cant be , he was way too nice to me the other day it can't be him , or maybe it's someone else . No Alexandra you cant make assumptions without having proof first. Well i guess im going to meet him at this address tonight and see who it could be. Hours later i drive up the hill to this address that fucking psycho sent me , yeah i said it psycho only guys with ulterior motives do shit like this , what a joke right ? So as i got out of the car i saw him he was tall , but i couldn't see him it was so dark. As i started walking i heard something behind me maybe it was a animal or the bushes moving but no so i walked and i sped up pretty quickly. As i approached him he asked me let me grab your phone , and your belongings and let me put it in the room. And i said ok sure and as I walked in i went to the couch that was in the living room and waited until he got downstairs. It was pretty dark so i couldn't see a damn thing classic killer vibes move.

      As he began to turn on the lights and walked down the stairs pretty quickly and as he turned the corner there he was the guy from next door and my jaw dropped as soon as i saw him i knew he looked familiar only this time his hair was blue . As you know i have cameras in my house and i see everything , and by you breaking and entering my home i could have called the cops and have you immediately in jail but i didn't do that . But as far as you know from the other night when you saw the blood on my clothes i was working on an experiment , and before you make any assumptions about me i want you to know i am not a killer as people want you to think i am . I am just a weird emo boy with a lot of emotions and i like to take my anger out on experiments. Then i looked at him and said wow , so why were you drawing me the other day then outside of my window. Then he responded well i just like drawing women it's a specialty of mine. Then as he said that, he walked closer to me and sat down. I then began to say i think im going to go now , and then he said what's wrong, and shortly after that I said Oh nothing i just have to leave and its past my curfew and my parents are gonna worry about me. Then he began to say i dont think so , i locked all the doors in this house and busted your tires your not going anywhere. As I got up and sprinted back and forth and I said "Are you fucking kidding me why would you do that".Well its probably the same thing when you went through my stuff , my kitchen , my room , and my basement so that begins to sum it up. I began to run but nope he got to me. The guy took me by the arms grabbed me by the legs and threw me on the couch. He than began to take his shirt off , and then he began to unbutton my shirt as he did that he slid down to my boobs as he began to suck on them , then he said these are nice and big and so juicy , then he begins to go even more down to my pants wear he unbuttons them and says is this okay and i began to say yes , then he pulls out his penis and slids it inside me and starts going in and out in and out and he starts to go faster and as the night prolongs you must know what happens after this . If this is to much for you stop reading and take it off your list because it gets even deeper than this until next time.

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