So whats next?

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Just thinking on everything that has happened so far in the story are you impressed? Have you let those emotions out of your system and try to piece out what's been happening so far? Well if you are great for you if you haven't then you might need to go back and re read and if you haven't well damn you , your just missing out the best parts. It's been such a wild ride with y'all and it's only going to get even wilder ! So without further ado let's continue the story. So it was early the next day I had just woke up from a good nights sleep, I opened my windows it was raining hard and as I got out of bed and walked closer to the window it looked very much gloomy like the world was going to fall out of the atmosphere. Some of the time I feel like that's how I've been feeling lately. Being distant with your family, haven't been going to school like I used to and trying to solve a case isn't easy. I should just let the detectives do their job but honestly sometimes you have to go out and investigate for yourself. That's what my parents told me all the time to start doing things for myself. Yes I know this world is yet big but it's scary but I will pull through. So as I begin to start getting ready and making breakfast I turned on the news. It was quite off it actually seemed a bit off. As I began to flip through the tv programs and it had a weird familiar logo on all the channels. In my mind I thought to myself maybe this is just another one of his pranks to lure me in and to stop my investigation, but no this looks different which is something your mot used to seeing. So as they begin to start, it was that guy that's been tormenting me and he said "do ya miss me, I know you do , you will pay for what you have done and you will rue this day haha haha" as soon as he starting bantering on like the sick fuck he is. I think he is starting to turn over this persona he is wearing and he is definitely using his cult or his shadows or whatever you want to call it that's protecting him from harms way. Honestly this whole ruse just seems like he wants fame and everyone is giving it to him. I want to live a normal life I do but knowing there is a monster wondering our streets we have to put him down. So as I started to leave the hotel.. I looked to my left and right to make sure the coast was clear and as I started to lock up my room, then as I began to turn around a school friend of mine suddenly was standing right in front of me. He then started to say "hey alexandra " how you been. I looked at him like wtf is he doing here .. in that moment I couldn't say that but I could ask what he knows or if he knows anything at all. So I then began to say was hey have we met and he says yeah I'm cal I'm in your , English class you probably don't recognize me since you haven't been to class lately , but why if I may ask. I then began to say we're you followed , how did you know where I stayed at and why are you fucking here! He then said well I'm here because your parents were worried sick and knowing them They were scared which I don't blame because they have been worried.. and they told me on the phone you were at a hotel..and I said well tell them stop worrying about me I am fine and I don't need a messenger to tell me that either .. well then he said you didn't sense my other question what are you doing all the way out in the middle of know where. I then began to say I think that's the point asshole and he said well that's harsh and knowing me I told him if you really want to know I'm investing the guy and that god damn fucking cult, so if you aren't here to help or if you're my parents messenger you can leave. Hey now don't be like that alexandra of course I came to help you , my parents are detectives too they work downtown at the Shibuya headquarteres so I pretty much got my sense of detecting from my parents so I'm pretty much a natural at it. Well you stay here and try to gather more intel and please whatever you do don't touch anything, I've worked too hard trying to put this murder board together. He then said WOWWW YOU HAVE A MURDER BOARD IM INTRIGUED. Knowing me I don't always have guest over so please try to keep it down.. but I will hold the fort until you get back promise. When he said that I had joy but I don't fully trust him yet but I guess I will give him a chance. Alright so that she's gone I can look , hmm looks like she's been doing a lot of investigating, not so bad for a highschool student I will give her that. So it looks like the beginning of March she moved in to her new home , then it looks like the guy was also in the neighborhood with her as well , is there like some sort of connection there...knowing stats it could be a possiblity ... no it can't be , hmmm well it also says he had blood on his clothes. So the next night he was apparently was working on experiments he had told her which I can see right here too and it also says he has an abandoned house right off of 17 past central street and the street station ...looks like I'm getting somewhere so whatever she saw at his abandoned place and his new house they're has to be some sort of connection here.. but I hear she's back...wait at least I hope that's her. Then the door cracks open and of course it's her , I then told her I thought you were someone else knocking that hard which isn't too bad you definitely fooled me. Well she then ask me what did you find, I told her I am piecing part by part but it's gonna take some time but we should take a break and after that break things will go left , how much evidence can both partners get well find out next time !

The Psycho next doorOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz