10 Years Later

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The Pevensies are racing through the forest after a magical white stag.

"Are you all right, Philip?" Edmund asks as his horse comes to a stop.

"I'm not as young as I once was," Philip answers him.

"Come on, Ed," Susan says as she and the others ride over to him.

"Just catching my breath," Edmund tells her.

"That's all we'll catch at this rate," Elizabeth says jokingly.

"What did he say, Susan?" Lucy asks.

"'You girls wait in the castle. I'll get the stag myself.'," Susan quotes Edmund.

"What's this?" Peter asks as he gets off his horse. Beside Edmund stands a lamppost. "It seems familiar."

"As if from a dream," Elizabeth adds as she touches it.

"Or a dream of a dream," Lucy says in agreement. "Spare Oom."

"Lucy!" Peter calls as Lucy takes off.

"Not again," Elizabeth says as she follows her sister. "Lu?"

"Come on!" Lucy says excitedly.

"These aren't branches," Peter says as he takes lead.

"They're coats," Elizabeth says.

"Susan, you're on my foot!" Edmund says.

"Peter, move off!" Lucy says.

"Stop shoving. Stop it!" Elizabeth says.

"I'm not on your toe!" Susan argues before they all fall out of a wardrobe. They look at each other confused since they are at the age that they went into Narnia before the door to the room is opened by the professor.

"There you are. What were you all doing in the wardrobe?" The professor asks.

"You wouldn't believe us if we told you, sir," Peter answers him as he and his siblings smile at each other.

"Try me," The professor says as he tosses him a ball.

Over the next couple of nights, Lucy and Elizabeth would go back to the wardrobe to see if they could go back to Narnia.

"I don't think you'll get back in that way," The professor says surprising Elizabeth and Lucy one night. "You see... I've already tried."

"Will we ever go back?" Elizabeth asks, having not felt right about leaving her people behind.

"Oh, I expect so. But it'll probably happen when you're not looking for it. All the same... best to keep your eyes open."

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