Day:17 A B A with NATSU

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"Igneel get up!Get up!Please!"wines a little human's voice.I feel a little tap on my horn."What is it?"I grouch lazily opening one yellow reptilian eye."Can you tell me what this says?"he ask stuffing a piece of paper in front of my eye.Seriously.Sigh "I have a better idea.How about I teach you the human letters."I say stretching my wings out."Huh?L-Letter?Oh that's what this is.Hmmm.Ok,sure."he smiles.

We sit by  a patch of dirt.I started to draw UN the dirt with my claw."This is the human letter "A".You say  'Ah' now you try."I explain.Natsu grabs the stick and starts drawing.At first it was a bunch of random lines."I did it,Igneel!"he cheers on his 3rd try.After we get to "E" I stop."Now let's go through them again."I say."Ok. A...B...A?D...C...E?"he proudly cheer.Oh boy this is going to take long I thought."You don't repeat a letter.And 'C' comes after 'B'.Then 'D' after 'C' then you end with 'E'.Got it?"I ask leaning my head closer to the small human.I can see the confusion in his eyes.I chuckled a little."This is hard.Do I have to know the human letters?"Natsu groans.I thump his head."Yes you do.Now repeat it over and no complaints."I demand."Ow...Ok."He sniffles rubbing the bump on his head.

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