Day 18 Nagging and Training Begins

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That night.I thumped Natsu in the head 10 times before he finally said all 26 human letters.Sigh I thought he'll never get them right.I watch him snuggle up in my scales.Right before I went to sleep a ball of light appears before me.Damn it Grandeeney what does she want now."Igneel.Have you not taught that boy anything?"she nags.Grr please not tonight."I have taught him something.What about you."I growl."Well my child name is Wendy and she already knows the basis of Sky dragonslayer magic.Has yours learn any fire dragonslayer magic?"she ask."We'll get there.Now what is the real reason for you being here and bothering my sleep."I grumble."Well...I was thinking...The upcoming meeting...are you sure your idea is logical?"she ask.Why bother me about this now."I'll explain everything then,now leave me alone woman."I growl."Hmph.I see where Natsu's ignorance will come from."she grouch."LEAVE ME BE!"I roar.With that Grandeeney leaves.Finally.I'll start training in the morning.

In the morning.

"Natsu,Wake up." "Huh?What's wrong?" Natsu yawns rubbing his eyes."Today I teach you Fire Dragonslayer magic."I smile watching his eyes widen."REALLY!"he cheers."Now let start by summoning up fire magic."I explain."Ok."he exclaims holding his hand out.He starts to struggle but nothing happened."Aw this is hard!!"he groans."Stop complaining and try again.Try to feel the magic."I explain.

After 5 flicks to the head,Natsu takes a deep breath and finally lights his hand on fire."Owah I did it.IGNEEL!I DID IT!!"he cheers hopping around.Then he stops."What next?"he ask."You're first attack.Now follow after me."I explain standing up on two feet.I set my fist ablaze and take a deep breath."Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!"I chant punching the air.For now I'll start with my weak level attacks,can't overwhelm the poor brat.Natsu nods."Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" He chants.But when he punches,the flames burns out."Aww man.What happened?"he questions.Hmmm.I guess I do have to do that spell on him.

"Natsu,come here."I say.He walks up to me."I'm going to perform a spell on you.I'll enable you to perform Fire dragonslayer magic."I explain and he nods."COOL!"he cheers hugging me.With my glowing claw,I mumble a spell and the end of my CLAW burst into flames.I touch Natsu's stomach and the flames enter Natsu's body."Now try the attack again and hit that tree."

"FIRE DRAGON'S IRON FIST!"he chants running toward the tree.Halfway there he trips and falls flat on his face.Oh boy this is going to be a long day.He tries again and again...and again until he finally hit the tree.Finally."Alright,just keep working on it.Tomorrow I teach you another attack."I explain.

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