Day 30 Back to Training,Igneel

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Well I just finished reading my book while Natsu was still sleep.Then I smell a familiar scent.Metalicana,what does he want now."Igneel!"he roars.I grab his mouth."Shut it.Why the hell are you here?"I growl."I just want to see if you've lost your touch as the "Flame Dragon King".How about a little dual?"he grins."Tch.Really.I'll be gladly to kick you're ass."I smirk."Iron Dragon Metal Claw!"He chants as his talons gets sharper.He launches it towards my face but I grab his arm and flip him over."Fire Dragon ROAR!"I blew fire at his face,engulfing his body.I set my foot ablaze and kick him high into the air.Then I flew up with my wings on fire.I strike Metalicana multiple times with my wings as he falls.

Before he hits the ground,I grab his tail."Fire Dragon Flare Blitz!"I chant spinning him in a blaze of fire,burning the air around us.He flew in the air again."Fire Dragon FLAME FLARE!"I chant flying towards him with a ball of flames in my claw with a ring of fire magic orbiting around it.I strike him right in the chest and sent him flying again.I soar up and grab his back."Fire Dragon Grip Strike!" I set Metalicana' s body ablaze and watch him fall in flames."Akiragumari,Metalicana."I grin without looking back."Karma demon:Iron God Sword!"I hear.Suddenly Metalicana rises up above me with his claws above his head,creating a large sword.He strikes me and I hit the ground and kept sliding through trees.I grip the sword and try to stop it because I was getting closer to Natsu,I can't let him get hurt.I dig my feet into the ground and stop 3 inches from Natsu,who turns over in his sleep."Heh.That was good."he says with bruises and burned marks on his body.I threw the sword away from me. Then I grab Natsu and place him in our cave so he doesn't get hurt."Heh,Caring about humans again I see."taunts Metalicana."I swear if Natsu gets hurt,I'll kill for sure."I snarl.I soar up with my fist ablaze."Fire Dragon Iron Fist!"I chant before punching him in the face."Iron Dragon Sword!"Metalicana chants as his arm turns into a jagged steel blade.He starts swinging it around but I evade each attack.Time to end this,I need my nap."Fire Dragon Sword Horn!"I chant lighting my horn ablaze.I ram it into Metalicana's chest,knocking the wind out of him."NOW LEAVE BEFORE I GET ANGRY!"I roar.I watch him cough up some blood."Fine*cough,cough*I'll go.But I too will be raising a little human.And he's going to kick your weak son's ass.Just you wait."he coughs swiping his blood from his mouth."Heh.My son isn't weak you sorry excuse for a reptile."I taunt.He finally flies off.Weak ass.Tch time for my nap before Natsu wake up.

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