ch 2

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               After almost the whole hour Candy gave me back my sketch pad, then the bell rang. 

"My friends are meeting up with me if you wanna come chill." She said as we walked out of the class.


     She pointed down the hall and my heart sank. They were a combination of cheerleaders, jocks and strong leading Christians. All of which hate me.

 "I hate to break it to you sweetheart...but they don't really enjoy my company. To them I'm that Gothic slut."

          "Oh.." She said looking slightly discouraged.

 Then she smiled again and put her hand on my arm. 

"You should hit me up later."

 She started to walk away "How? I don't have your number." I slightly yelled down the hall.

    She just turned back and smiled. 

The sketchbook.

  I opened up my book. I was right. She put her number at the bottom of the pictures of the ugly cat. I smiled wider than I should have.

 Its just a number. From a friend.

               Not much else interesting happened for the rest of the day. I got home and climbed through my window. I don't usually use the front door. Don't ask why,cause I have no idea. I looked through my sketchbook and found Candy's number.

     I laid in my bed and we texted for hours. Very basic conversation. We sure did make each other laugh a lot though. This went on for quite a few weeks. First hour was always my favorite hour. 

        Today we texted for a few hours and she eventually told me she had to go because she had somewhere to be. Which was okay because I had a gig at the Rusty Nail tonight. The Rusty Nail is your average bar. But they don't check ID so it's a common teen hangout, or at least for the alternatives. I grabbed my guitar and headed out the door.

         Once I got there I was greeted by the rest of the band. My friend Chris played bass, bright ass green hair falling in front of his face. The best way to describe him is a neon colored Sxrillix. Half shaved head and all. And then Chrisley on drums. Chrisley was surprisingly not wasted for once. We got up to the stage.

        We played a few numbers then we got to the song 'Her body' and my brain went fuzzy. I kept on singing but all I could think about was Candy. And then all the sudden. I saw her. 

Wait what. I'm not drunk yet. There's no way I'm seeing things. She here.

 She smiled at me and playfully blew a kiss at me. My heart jumped. It's just what popular girls do. It's a friend thing. They always pretend to flirt. That's all.

           A tall boy in a Letterman jacket walked up to her and grabbed her arm and motioned towards the dance floor. She followed him politely and they danced. 

I shouldn't be jealous.

But I was. I wanted her in ways I couldn't have her. 

         A few songs later I noticed him and  Candy have danced themselves towards the back corner of the room near my stage. And then I saw him grab her, and he wasn't letting go. I saw her struggling to get away and him trying to grab all over her body, she looked petrified. I felt my face fill with heat of rage. I lifted up my mic stand and tapped him on the shoulder with it. 

"Hey,asshole." I said.

The band stopped. He turned around just to see me swing the Mic stand at his head like a bat. He was flung to the ground and the bottom of the stand broke off flew into the wall. I leaped of stage and knelled next to him and lifted up his head by his hair. His nose was bleeding and looked badly broken.

"If I ever catch you in this bar again, it's gonna be more than your fuckin' nose. Now get your sorry ass up, and get out."

          I threw his head back to the floor. He scrambled up from the floor holding his nose and uttered a "Crazy BITCH" then ran out the door.

Everyone went back to partying. My time slot was up anyways. Some band called 'The Black Flames' was up next. I turned to candy 

"Are you okay?" I asked.

 She looked in awe..." Yeah..thank you...he wouldn't stop and...-"

 "Your welcome."

I began to twirl my lip ring around with my tongue, something I always did when I was nervous. Candy must have noticed because she was starring at my lip ring, and began to bite her own lip.

  "How bout a few drinks on me" I said with a smirk.

    She smiled and followed me to a table. I ordered some shots of whiskey. She stared at it uneasily. Then down the hatch. She made a sour face followed by a "Wooh!" I took my shot easily and smiled. 

"You don't drink do you?" I asked with a seductive smile. It was much easier for me to flirt when i get a little liquor in my system.

She kind of laughed. "I drink stuff mixed with alcohol, girly stuff."

 I laughed " Go big or go home baby go big or go home" As I downed my second shot. Then she took hers. Then our thirds. 

"Wanna know something really dumb?" Candy said words slightly slurring.

"Always." I said downing my last shot.

"Okay, but you cant make fun of me." Candy gestured for me to come closer so she could whisper in my ear.

"I'm afraid of the dark." Candy said bursting into a little fit of giggles.

"Really??" I said laughing.

"Hey! I told you you weren't allowed to make fun of me." Candy said still having a laughing fit.

"I'm not i'm not!!! Its cute." I said biting  my lip. "That mean you don't like my clothes??" I said gesturing to my dark outfit.

"No no! I love the way you dress, its sexy.."

I could feel my cheeks turning pink. "Thanks love."

        There we sat laughing about everything. It was about midnight and we had Chris drive us home. 

"You should crash at my place tonight so your mom doesn't catch you drunk" I told candy.

 "What about your parents?" 

"I only got my mom. And she's never home. Works nights sleeps days."

 "Oh,alright" Candy said.

 She smiled and placed her head on my chest. I started running my fingers through her silk brown hair.

She smells like strawberries and whiskey.

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