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                They walked into the bathroom and tried to take her from my arms. I screamed and held onto her tighter.

"No you cant take her!!! She'll wake up I know she will!"

I sobbed and screamed and kicked and then felt a sharp pain in my arm. They gave me a shot of sedative and everything got fuzzy. I watched them carry her to the body bag.

" can't put her.. in there...shes afraid of the dark." I said quietly and hazily tears pooling in my eyes as they zipped her up and took her away. 

       The next few weeks were kind of a blur. I didn't eat, I didn't sleep, all I did was think of her. 

      But here I am three years later. And every chilly September, the first day of the high school year, I visit Candy's grave. I sit across from her grave stone and talk, wishing she could hear me. Wishing I could hear that beautiful laugh. And I toast to her, and toss back a shot of strawberry whiskey. 

      I still sing and draw, but over the years I've taken a liking to writing. Usually about the beautiful brunette that holds my heart, and the sinful love we shared.

The End.

sinful loveWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt