ch 8

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               Sarah's mouth practically hung to the pavement as she opened the chain link gate. Candy automatically backed off of me. 

   "Sarah, what are you doing here??" 

"I was walking by and I herd these freaks cheering, I was making sure they weren't sacrificing a baby or something. What the hell is going on!?"

     Tris snarled at Sarah and Sarah looked back at her as if she feared Tris would grow talons and attack. 

"I was just I mean, I was just um."

Sarah let out a sigh of disgust.  "Candy are you one of them now?" 

Candy looked from me to Sarah speechless. Sarah continued. 

"Candy, my party's starting soon. If you come now I wont tell everyone about your little mistake."

She said staring at me putting emphasis on 'mistake'. 

          My face grew hot and I started at Sarah but Tris and her girlfriend held me back. Sarah stared at me with a amusement for a moment then started to walk out the gate. 

    I was still holding Candy's hand. Sarah turned around to look at candy "Well?" Candy looked at me with tears welling in the corners of her eyes. "I-I'm so sorry." she whispered as she started to release my hand "Candy.." I said quietly in shock trying not to cry. 

I can feel my heart shattering. 

        In a desperate last attempt I tried to tighten my grip on Candy's hand, but she pulled away. With my voice caught in my throat, tears in my eyes, and Tris still holding me back I screamed.


Candy flinched, but she didn't turn around, as she followed Sarah out of the gate.

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