ch 5

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Candy calmed down and decided to stay over.

      We talked about our lives..our parents, our past..our future. She was cuddled up against me.

"Do you know what I want to do?" I said.

She looked up at me curiously.

"I wanna run away to California and be an artist."

She just smiled back at me and bit her lip.

"I can help you practice." She started to sit up and she took of her shirt.

Oh my.

"Woah woah woah what are you doing??"I asked my face turning red.

She giggled. "I want you to draw me!"

   She continued to remove her bra and pants. She struck a dramatic pose lying on the end of my bed. 

"Paint me like one of your french girls!" She started laughing.

Ahhh titanic. I get it.

I just stared at her for a minute smiling. 

Damn shes beautiful.

"Fineeeee." I said giggling.


                     She started to lay naturally as I drew her. She was laying on her side. I started to draw but I just couldn't focus with the way she was looking at me.

"How is this fair? I cant focus with you looking at me like that."

Candy laughed,"well can I at least see what you drew so far?"

I smiled deviously."Later."

          I tossed my sketch book and threw off my shirt. And grabbed her by the hips and kissed her perfect lips. I took off the rest of my clothes and kissed every inch of her perfect naked body. Every inch. I want to remember how every inch of her taste, how all of her body felt, I wanted her forever.

I picked her up around my waist, threw everything on my desk on the floor and laid her down and continued. Her legs wrapping around my waist..then my stomach..then my neck. She arched her back and I saw her mouth open as she tried not to make to much sound. I came back up stood her up and kissed her. She ran her hands over every inch of my body..again..every inch. 

Who new such delicate hands could be so..intoxicating.

                Being with her was unlike any thing I've ever felt. Its utter bliss. 

     I put my panties back on and so did she. She grabbed my leather jacket and threw it on covering a majority of her chest but not down the center. 

Shes so fucking hot.

She came to the bed and laid with me. 

"Forever?" She asked.

 I held her hand. 


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