ch 4

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-Authors note!! Cast reveal!! Picture above is of Zyris ((aka Ruby Rose)) Hope you all like the casting, next chapter will have a picture of Candy! Happy reading!-

I woke up around one in the afternoon.

My alarm was set for nine thought...?

I looked up to see my alarm clock was unplugged...and candy was gone. Neatly folded on the edge of my bed was the t shirt I loaned her to sleep in, there was a piece of paper laid on top of the shirt. I took a closer look, it was a small ripped paper with what looked like tear stained on it. Scribbled on it in soft pink lipstick was 'I'm sorry.'

....I should have seen this coming...

I looked in the mirror to see the same soft pink lipstick imprinted in a kiss mark on my cheek.

On Monday I got into class and candy was already in her seat. I went and sat next to her.

"Hey you haven't been returning any of my calls." I said.

She silently avoided my eyes.

".....So were just not gonna talk about it then? Is that it?" She still wouldn't look at me.

"I'm sorry..." I said.

Why the hell am I apologizing? What did I do?

Almost the whole class hour we were silent. But then she quietly emotionlessly whispered.

"No one can know what happened..."

" I understand.." I said.

No I didn't. Well I guess I do I just don't like it. The bell rung and candy ran out to door.

This went on for about a week. The next Friday I walked into my bedroom to see candy sitting inside my room on the window sil.

"...What are you doing here.." I asked my heart rate picking up.

"I just wanted to apologize for the way I've been acting." Candy said still avoiding my eyes.

"Are you still ignoring what happened candy?" I asked starring her down.

She looked down at the floor.

"Its's against my religion..I'd lose my friends too.."

My eyes started to tear up. "Friends?? You call people who won't except who you are your friends??What happened to 'love has no gender'??" I said raising my voice.

Her voice cracked, raising her voice as she looked up "I was drunk."

" You weren't that drunk and you know it!" I yelled getting close to her.

I grabbed her face in my hands tears rolling down my face.

"Dammit candy stop lieing, I don't want to lose you! I can't lose you. I love you."

She finally looked me in the eyes tears rolling down her face as well. She broke down into sobs

"I cant take this! Dammit I love you Zyris, I know its wrong but I love you!"

She practically collapsed. I held her in my arms as she cried.

"I just don't know what to do I'm scared."

I held her for hours. And I didn't mind one bit.

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