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                 We parked over by the sidewalk and I helped candy off the bike. Right off the bat we ran into Chris and Chrisely and I properly introduced them to Candy. 

"Last time I saw you you were drunk, and now I am. I'm not definite we will ever have the pleasure of sober encounter." Chrisley said with a drowsy smile.

Candy smiled back but looked extremely uncomfortable.

          She looked around like a child at a zoo. Curious but nervous. We started walking over to the ramps. Candy whispered. 

"Why does she talk like uses a lot of weird long words."

I kind of laughed at Candy.

I understood what she meant, but the way Candy worded it did not make her sound too bright.

"I don't know. That just the way we talk sometimes babe."

 I started to put my arm around her but I saw her face drain color.

Shes still nervous about people seeing her with me.

I put my hands up. "alright take your time." I said lightheartedly.

                I saw my friend Tris sitting up on the ramp drinking a bottle of liquor. She always wore her chest strapped down with band tees and trip pants with a bright blue mohawk. 

       I ran up the ramp to sit with her and helped Candy up.

"Whos he?" Candy asked.

Tris raised her pierced eyebrow at Candy. I cleared my throat and looked at Candy. 

"Well, she ,is Tris. And she has excellent hearing."

Candy's face turned red. "oh my god. I'm so sorry I didn't know its just-"

 Tris just laughed. "Its cool man."

 Tris passed me a bottle and I took a swig. 

"What you up to loser?" I asked.

 "Nothin much ginger nothin much, just waitin' on Baily."

Ever since I dyed my hair red she labeled me as ginger, mostly because when she was blonde I made nothing but dumb blonde jokes.

 Candy leaned forward 

"Is that your sister?"

 Tris smiled. "Nah.shes my girlfriend, theres my beauty!" 

   A blonde curly headed girl walked into the park. Tris ran down the ramp to greet the girl. She spun  her around and kissed her and they walked off holding hands and chatting. Candy kind of just sat in awe. 

"You ok?"I asked her.

 She looked back at me. 

"Yeah. I'm great actually." 

  She slipped her arm under mine cuddling up to me inviting me to put my arm around her, so happily, I did. Tris yelled from across the park for our attention. We looked up and she pointed to Baily holding a fancy camera in the air.

I remember Tris mentioning her girlfriend was a photographer.

             Me and candy ran down the ramp over to them dodging skaters. 

"Want a few pictures? I want practice and you may keep them." Baily said in an adorable very noticeable french accent.

 I looked over at Candy 

"Its up to you babe."

Candy just smiled at me and nodded. 

                 Me and candy took a picture hanging upside down on the railing. And then she snapped one of us laughing and hugging. Then one of me picking her up bride style, then one of me holding her to me with my leather jacket wrapped around her. Baily looked up from the camera. 

"Can I take one of you kiss?"

I just looked at candy. And she nodded.

So I grabbed her face and kissed her.

      Almost everyone in the skate park cheered. After I pulled away Candy's face was lit up with delight.

"I love you Zyris." She whispered.

"I love you too."



In that moment everything was perfect...then as fate would have it, that moment ended with a shrill voice.


The voice came from outside the fence. Head cheerleader Sarah, who was 'friends' with Candy. We were busted.

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