ch 10

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               I can feel my heart shattering. I ran and and pushed Bryan off of her. 

" You bastard!!"

       I started punching Bryan in the face as hard as I could and then back off and looked at candy.candy drousily stared at me in shock. She almost looked stoned. 

           Bryan just held his bloddy lip and smiled. 

"How could you." I said with my voice shaking.

"Zyris no please." She stood up shaking and grabbed my arm as I was turning to leave."Zyris don't leave I'm sorry I love you!"

       I whipped around tears running down my face. 

"No!" I screamed in her face. 

"You betrayed me! I gave you everything I have! I loved you! I've done everything I could and you fucking betrayed me!" 

I got a quieter and closer to her face. My lip quivering and voice shaking I said, 

"You dont love're dead to me."

 Candy's eyes welled up with tears and I ran out the door.

     I climbed in through my window and locked it. Something I've never done before. I screamed and cried and smashed my mirror because all I could see when I looked at it was her by my side.

          About 20 minutes went by and I sat under my window crying. Then I herd it. Candy stood out my window screaming and crying. 

"Zyris please!!! I'm sorry! I love you please let me in!" I herd he repeating trying to open the latch, her manicured nails fumbling at it, banging on the window repeating 

"I love you please let me in!"

            I sat hidden under the window covering my mouth as my sobs grew louder. This went on for about two hours. Then it stopped. I sat up and looked out my window and she was gone. 

         I was so exhausted. I stood up and plugged in my phone which has been dead all day. I was going to call into school tomorrow. 

After I plugged in my phone it lit up several times. They were voice mails. I opened the tab and listened to em.

"Hey baby its me I'm so sorry about earlier I-"Delete. The next.

"Hey i was wondering if you wanted to stop by? I was thinking its time to tell my friends..if they really love me they'll be fine right? Anywa-"Delete. Next.

Her voice was shakey." They didn't take it well...i don't care though Zyris I love you" Delete.

 "Babe I feel kinda dizzy I think someone put something in my drink can you please come get me?"...What? 

She was crying."Zyris I'm really scared I feel like I'm gonna pass out I don't know whats going on  baby please please help me."

Oh my god....the last one was from thirty minutes ago. She sounded calm but she was crying and her voice was shaking. 

" Zyris...I know you hate me...I hate me to...I just want you to know that you have been the best thing that's ever been mine. And I love you so much..and without you...I cant. I cant live without wont...I'm sorry...I love you." 

  The phone clicked as the message ended. 

           I dropped my phone and ran out of my house not bothering to grab a coat or shoes. I've never ran so fast in my life. 

             I reached Candy's house and I busted in the door.

"CANDY!!!!!" I screamed. No response. All the lights were off except the bathroom.

I dashed up stairs to the bathroom and the door was cracked I ran in and screamed

.No..please god no...NO!

There candy laid. In the bathtub the water clouded with fresh blood. 

         I sat on my knees and pulled her out of the tub tears rushing down my face. 

"No.." I tried CPR. No response. 

"Please GOD no! You cant take her! You can't just take her from me!" Her skin was as cold as ice. I held her lifeless body in my arms sobbing rocking back and forth. 

          The last thing I ever said to her was that she was dead to me.

"Baby no! Please baby no! I'm sorry! I'msorryi'msorryi'msorry!" I said through sobs. 

"Baby please..I love you! Wake up!!! You've gotta wake up!!!" 

I sat there crying and holding her until the ambulance arrived.

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