ch 6

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                       I woke candy up around 10 am with a cup of coffee. I ran my hand over her arm. She fell asleep in my jacket. 

"Baby wake up." 

She groggily looked over at me her hair hanging around her face. She looked up at me and smiled.

" Good morning love. Whats goin' on?"

 "I have somewhere I wanna take you."

 She started to sit up puzzled.

" know I cant..we..they cant know yet-"

 I  interrupted her "No I know don't worry. You wont see anyone you know there." 

She warily smiled at me."Okay love. Where?" 

"You'll see. Get dressed." I said smacking her butt jokingly.

                 She put on her pink T shirt and jeans and I  threw on my black crop top and jeans and leather jacket. 

 "How are we getting there?" 

I just smiled at her. "Follow me."

I walked her out to the back yard and into the garage and took the sheet off of my dirt bike. She just stared at it for a minute. 

Riding this on the road should be illegal. But I live in a bad neighborhood so cops have bigger things to deal with. 

"....what if someone see's me?"

 Yeah cuz that doesn't sound the slightest bit offensive.

I held up a helmet. 

We rode down the block and finally. We arrived. Alternative territory. The skate park.

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