The fight

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Yn's pov:

We appeared in his dream world. My boyfriend said, "get his attention, then we will ambush him." I gathered up all my courage and yelled, "Freddy, come out come out where ever you are!" Freddy showed up after a few seconds and said, "well, well, well, if it isn't my princess yn." "mine!" Freddy yelled that last part. I jumped because it scared the shit out me.  Just then my friends jumped in front of me ready to fight Freddy. 'He was prepared to fight.' I thought. Freddy turned his head back at me and said, "Time to wake up yn." "believe me you don't want to see what happens." Freddy said as I started to fade. I then woke up at home and saw I was the only one awake. 'That's ok.' I thought. 'I'll just go back to sleep.' I went back to sleep, but never went back to the boiler room.  After trying five times, I got pissed off and started crying because, I knew I couldn't save them from Freddy. 'FUCK YOU FREDDY.' I thought and fell asleep not awakening in the boiler room. 

Freddy's pov:

As I saw my princess fade, I turned to my princess's little friends. "You son of a bitch." yn's boyfriend said. "At least we can still take down his ugly ass." matt said. "oh really? take me down? ha ha aha aha! I'm your worst nightmare." I said taunting them. "Yes really, four on one." "you can't survive." Mark said. "ok you guys are just getting annoying. Boys! get your asses out here! Remeber leave this one with me." I said pointing at (boyfriend's name). Micheal, Penny, and Jason all came out. "oh shit. we are gonna die." christian said.  "ahahahaha!" I said. Jason killed christian instantly with his machettey, Micheal killed Matt instantly with his knife, and Penny ate Mark in front of (boyfriend's name) "Thanks for your help guys. I think I got this one." I said while I sent Jason, Micheal, and Penny away. I then turned to (Boyfriends name). He was in so much fear that I just laughed. "I don't know what my yn sees in you. But now I'm going to kill you and take over your body and yn will be mine." I said "she wi--." He tried saying something but I killed him while he was talking. I then within seconds transformed into him, knowing I can change back into myself anytime I want. I then woke up in the real world, with yn next to me peacefully sleeping. "yn?" I said. She opened her eyes. "oh my god. how are you still alive?" yn said hugging me. "Oh that Freddy dude was easy to beat." I said trying my best to sound like (boyfriend's name).  "But how? How did you kill him?"  yn asked. "You remeber our plan we had? Take his glove off and kill him with it?" I said. "yeah I do." yn said. "Well that's what I did." I said. "Ok. well I have to go to bed. Graduation is tomoroww." yn said. "me too. What time is graduation tommoroww?" I asked. "10:00 a.m." yn said. "don't forget tomoroww is the day we move in together." yn said. A smile crept on my face. 'moving in together' I thought. Damn. "aren't you going home?" yn asked. "Is there a problem if I stay here?" I asked. "No I guess not. goodnight." yn said. "good night my princess." I said as my princess fell asleep in my arms.

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