Moving in with a demon

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Yn's pov:

When we were in the car, I asked my boyfriend, "Where are we going?" "Oh, we are almost there." (Boyfriend name) said. "well, I'm taking a nap." I said. "ok. I'll wake you up when we get there." (boyfriend name) said. "ok." I said as I drifted off to sleep. 

Freddy (as boyfriend name) pov:

I watched as my princess fell asleep in the car.  About five minutes after yn fell asleep, we arrived at the house. Instead of waking her up, I turned into my original form and carried yn inside the house. I sat on the bed with her in my arms. She woke up after a few minutes and I never changed back into (boyfriends name). 'oh shit.' I thought. "Freddy?!!!" yn said trying to run away. But I had a tight grip on her so she couldn't. 

Yn's pov:

I woke up and saw Freddy. My boyfriend wasn't there anymore. "Freddy?!!" I said trying to run away. But he had a strong grip on me so I couldn't move. "The one and only princess." Freddy said. "Where is (Boyfriend's name)? What did you do to him?" I shouted. "well, you see princess, I was your boyfriend the whole time." Freddy said with an evil smile on his face. "see?" Freddy said while transforming into (Boyfriend's name), then transforming back into himself. "Fuck you! You son of a bitch!" I shouted. "oh really?" Freddy said. "ok. hmm. Let me think. Aha! go to sleep." Freddy said. I wasn't tired, but my body was relaxed, and I ended up falling asleep. 

?'s pov:

'Jason!' Mother said. 'I have an idea. Go up to yn's room, and do everything you can to wake her up. Then she will see you are a good person. And she will be yours Jason.' Mother said. I nodded. I went to the front door and knocked it down off of its hinges. I stepped inside the house, and went upstairs. I tried opening yn's door. It was locked. So I bashed the door down. And went over to yn to try to find a way to wake her up.

Yn's pov:

I woke up in the boiler room and got pulled into Freddy's chest. "your mine yn." Freddy said.  "like hell I am!" I shouted. "shh. It's ok. You don't need to fight me or your situation will just get worse." Freddy said. I punched him in the face, and he let go. I ran for dear life. "YN!" Freddy shouted pissed off. Then I was backed into a wall. Freddy saw me and laughed and teleported in front of me so there was no way to escape him. "you shouldn't have done that Yn." Freddy said.

Jason's pov: 

'I know you don't want to do this Jason.' Mother said. 'But take your machette, and cut her arm so she can wake up.' Mother said. I nodded. knowing that I had no other choice. So I grabbed her arm and cut a little bit. like a small cut.

Yn's pov:

Freddy was about to kiss me. I kicked him in private area. he moved enough in pain for me to run. I then felt a huge pain in my arm and woke up. I see the same man with the hockey mask. "thank you." I said. "who are you?" I asked. The mysterious person took out a piece of paper and wrote something down, and then handed the paper to me. 

I'm Jason

"Jason? As in Jason Vorhees? Crystal lake killer?" I asked terrified.

Jason nodded.

I was starting to freak out. Jason wrote something down and handed the paper to me. 

I'm not going to hurt you. I wanted to save you from Freddy. If you come with me I can keep you safe.

I thought about it and I remebered how Jason took Freddy down in Freddy vs. Jason. I also like this guy. So I ended up deciding to go with him. "ok, I'll go with you." I said. Jason carried me bridal style out of my house, and he took Freddy's car, and we were off to crystal lake. I ended up falling asleep, but there was no Freddy and I was happy.

Jason's pov:

'Good boy Jason.' mother said. I nodded. and continued to drive to my home, camp crystal lake. 

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