Chapter Twenty Six

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EDITED 5/30/2020

Here it is, y'all.  I know it's been like 500 years since I posted and I'm so sorry. I'm trying my best, my life is just up in flames at the moment. Please try to give me some grace, i love you all and there is more on the way.

"You've never let me down, Magnus." A perky blonde woman said gleefully as she walked past him and out of the loft.

"Break a leg." Magnus replied with a smile.

Alec passed the woman as she left, looking over his shoulder at her uncertainly. "Who was that?" He asked.

"Stella Woods." Magnus answered. "A long time client and the lead in Wicked. She lost her voice. A touch of ground Ox claw, some calcified lizard's feet, and she's back on the bill." He explained as Alec picked up some ingredients and smelled them.

Magnus rose to his feet from where he was sitting behind his desk and maneuvered himself around Alec to the desk behind the taller man.

"It's been a long time since I've seen you with a client." Alec said, trying to talk with his boyfriend normally for the first time since he'd last seen him at Clary's rune ceremony four days ago.

The pain of the rejection still felt like a knife to the chest, the knowledge that Magnus didn't want him forever still devastated him. However, he wanted to make the most of the time he had with the warlock and his daughter. He loved them far too much to leave, which he was ashamed to say he had considered albeit briefly.

"Yes, well, it's frowned upon when you're the high warlock. Potential conflicts of interest and such. But, Stella is an old friend."

"I see." Alec said as he followed Magnus to his liquor cart and watched as he poured himself a drink.

"So." Magnus said as he waltzed over to the couch and plopped down, martini glass in hand. "How was Alicante?"

Alec had very suddenly been needed in Alicante four days ago; Only hours after their disagreement. Alec had taken Clary with him and practically fled New York. He'd gotten back yesterday and hadn't had the guts to return home. He'd spent the night, lonely, in Jace's old room.

"It was fine." Alec said. "Yeah, I - um. I was offered a position on the council."

Magnus looked at him shocked.

"A delegate. Under the new Consul, Jia Penhallow."

Magnus spread his arm and smiled, it looked off but Alec couldn't pinpoint it. "Wow!" Magnus exclaimed. "Congratulations, Alexander. I'm sure your family's proud."

"Actually, I came here to tell my family. You and our daughter." Alec spoke quietly. "You are my family, Magnus. Clary is the only other one that knows and that's because she was there. My fiancé and my daughter are my first concerns. You take precedence."

"Right, of course." Magnus backed down quickly. "What did you tell them?"

"Well, it would mean moving to Idris." Alec said slowly.

"Isn't that what you've always dreamed of?" Magnus asked him.

"I've always dreamed of meeting someone like you."

"I'd only be a portal away." Magnus told him.

"What about Madzie? We're supposed to be getting married, Magnus. You really want us to live apart?" Alec asked. Despite his harsh words his voice had no heat behind it. "You wouldn't be allowed to visit. Warlocks aren't allowed in Idris, what will we do then?"

"Look," Magnus sighed. "Whether you're in Idris or in New York, I'm not going anywhere." He tapped Alec's engagement ring.

"No." Alec said sullenly. "Apparently I am." He turned and stalked out of the apartment, leaving Magnus behind.

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