Jack Frost X Winter Spirit!Reader

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"Hey, Jack! I think there's a patch of trees that need some snow on them to the South of here!"

"I see 'em! You wanna help me out with them?"

"You know I do! Race ya!"

The usually calm woods were filled with the happy chatter of the two winter spirits who were trying to put the finishing touches on the first snow of the year. Laughter and shouts rang out as the pair zoomed off towards their destination.

"And score! The glorious (Y/n) wins yet again!"

"You only won because you tried to drop icicles on me!" Jack yelled as he sat on a now snow covered branch.

"Don't hate the player, Jacky, hate the game." (Y/n) shrugged as she leaned against the trunk of the tree she stood on.

"I might have missed hanging out with you since last winter, but it's not worth getting impaled."

"Oh, c'mon, you love it when I cause mischief. I'm so fun to be with."

"Well, I can't deny that. You're the only one of the Guardians that I can just be myself with. It's pretty nice." Jack replied as he flew over to stand next to the girl clad in white and light blue.

"I like hanging out with you too." (Y/n) grinned at her best friend.

"Well, (Y/n),I think that's enough lollygagging. We should get these trees covered before Kangaroo has a heart attack."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's get started!" (Y/n) shrieked happily as she flew straight up into the air and came back down with a flurry of flakes behind her. Jack followed suit by jumping from branch to branch, covering each limb in frost as he stuck his landing.

Within the hour, the duo of winter spirits had finished covering the three miles worth of forest, eventually coming to rest on a tiny island in the middle of a lake they froze earlier.

"Whew! Being this good at my job is hard work! I guess you did okay, too, (Y/n)." Jack mocked as he laid back into the snow covered ground.

"Oh, har-dee-har, Jack. We both know that I did most of the work."

"Ok, ok, touché. I will admit that I did get distracted but it was for a good reason."

"And just what would that reason be, sir?"

"I saw something special and I knew I had to get it for you!"

"Ooo, a gift for me?! That's a good reason! What is this special thing you got me?"

"It's right here." Jack answered before he reached into the pocket of his jacket and pulled out a gorgeous pink flower.

"Oh my Mim, It's so pretty, Jack! Thank you so much." (Y/n) cooed as she gently took the flower from Jack's hand.

"You're welcome. I wanted to get something that was as pretty as you are, and this was the only thing that came remotely close."

"Pretty? Jacky, you've called me lots of weird names, but that one is just outrageous."

"But I'm telling the truth, (Y/n). I think you're extremely pretty."

"Nah, I look like every other ice nymph out there! I appreciate the compliment though." (Y/n) dismissed with a short motion of her hand.

"I'm serious. You are the prettiest girl I've ever seen."

"Jack, no, I'm not! I don't understand why you keep insisting on this!"

"Gosh, (Y/n), are you really this dense?! I keep telling you that you're pretty because I like you!" Shouted Jack as he took one of (Y/n)'s hands in his. Her jaw dropped for a moment before she simply stared at where their hands connected.

"I don't believe you." She whispered as quietly as possible

"(Y/n), please-"

"No, you're lying! I don't believe you at all!" (Y/n) cried before flying off.

"Wait, please don't go!" Jack warned as he began to chase after her.

Jack tried his hardest to catch up to (Y/n) but she was just out of reach every time he almost had her.

"(Y/n), please just hear me out for a second!"

"No, please just leave me alone!" (Y/n) screamed before she shot a screen of snowflakes at Jack's face, making him fall behind. He came to a halt and began wiping the snow from his face, realizing that (Y/n) was nowhere to be seen.

"Dang it! (Y/n), where are you?!" Jack called as he began to search through the woods.

(Y/n) took a few breaths as she hid from the white haired boy she had come to adore so much. She sat down in her hiding spot as her rapid heartbeat tried to decrease.

Feeling as though she was hidden well enough, she looked around to make sure Jack couldn't find her. (Y/n) sighed quietly as she stood back up and began to back away from her spot.

Before (Y/n) had the chance to react, a pair of arms wrapped around her and spun her in their direction. As soon as her head quit spinning, she brought her eyes up to meet with Jack's striking blue ones. She struggled to escape as the boy kept her in place.

"(Y/n), please, I need to you to talk to me, even if it's only for a short while. Afterwards, you can hate me for the rest of time, I don't care, just hear me out for a few minutes." Jack plead with the girl. (Y/n) quit squirming for a few seconds before she held her head down and gave in.

"Fine, you have five minutes... Just let me go." Conceded the spirit as she pushed away from him.

"(Y/n), I know that I might joke around a lot and that it can get me into a lot of trouble, but right now, I'm more serious than I've ever been about anything else in my life. I love how pretty you are, I love how smart you are, I love just being around you. You make me want to try and be better at everything I do. I want to be with you for the rest of our eternities. If you don't feel the same way, then I'll leave, but know that I will still love you, no matter what."

"Jack, I do feel the same way. Oh my Mim, I do, but, I'm so scared..."

"What is there to be scared about?! It's just me, you've known me for hundreds of years!" Jack questioned as he softly out his hands on the sides of her arms.

"I'm scared of losing you, ok?! If things don't work out between us, I don't want to lose my best friend! I can't stand the thought of not having you around!" (Y/n) replied as tears fell down and turned into frost as the splashed onto her cheeks.

Jack tugged (Y/n) closer and brought her into a hug, her swiftly doing the same thing.

"You will never lose me, understand? The sky falling down couldn't even keep me away from you. I love you too much for that to happen."

"You swear?" (Y/n) sniffed as she looked back up at him.

"I promise I won't ever leave your side. I love you so much, (Y/n)." Jack answered as he rested his head on hers.

"I love you too, Jack. I'm sorry for shooting all that snow at you." (Y/n) blushed. Jack chuckled amusedly before he placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

"It's alright."

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